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TOPIC: FFT with Stem Cell (Dr.Viel)

FFT with Stem Cell (Dr.Viel) 12 years 8 months ago #1289948774

How much cc\'s have you gotten?
I was thinking about going with 10% but I heard you barely receive any gains.

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FFT with Stem Cell (Dr.Viel) 12 years 8 months ago #1274207426

Thank you hoddle for your reply.

Yes he did say 2 sessions with stem cells. Do you think 2\" Girth gains are possible with FFT (Stem Cells)? I still don\'t get it what will stem cells do and how will it affect the Girth of penis?

The article to which you posted a link says that stem cells can cause cancer (breast augmentation), is it true for penile Girth enhancement as well?


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FFT with Stem Cell (Dr.Viel) 12 years 8 months ago #1274207087

This is an article about stem cell fat transfer. It\'s about breasts, but the same information applies to the penis or anywhere on the body.

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FFT with Stem Cell (Dr.Viel) 12 years 8 months ago #1274206806

From what I\'ve observed stem cells or any other treatment, don\'t really make much, if any, difference.

You say Mr Viel said you\'d need 2 sessions, but last I heard, he was going down the route of regular top ups and storing fat. He is no longer doing that?

Also what is your length. Going from 3.6\" Girth to 5.5\" with fat is quite a leap.

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FFT with Stem Cell (Dr.Viel) 12 years 8 months ago #1274206491

Skeptical, hoddle. IDM (If possible) guys please tell me what do you think of FFT with stem cell? Is this going to me some good results or not and how much Girth can I expect out of it? As I am currently 3.6\" Girth Erect.

Thanks for your contribution.

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FFT with Stem Cell (Dr.Viel) 12 years 8 months ago #1274188101

And on that note, let\'s please resume the topic matter: FFT w/ Stem Cell + Dr. Viel, thanks.

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FFT with Stem Cell (Dr.Viel) 12 years 8 months ago #1274188038


I agree with Mikehok. It\'s irresponsible to make such a sweeping statement with literally nothing to back it up. What\'s \"lazier?\": People not googling your remarkable assertions, or your inability to cite them on an objective forum? Many men have had PMMA put into their penises, and posts like yours don\'t exactly make them sleep any better at night.

If your concerns were legitimate, then by all means. But I\'m sorry, all the supposed long-term complications mentioned vaguely and infrequently around the web never state most of the important information needed to determine what in-fact is going on: i.e. doctor/practitioner, brand of PMMA, type(s) of cannulas used, the layer/location of injection, and actual diagnoses.

And by the way, I\'m not at all dismissing the seriousness of risks & complications as they pertain to penile bioplasty.

Reckless declarations like yours have no place on this forum. Stating with certainty that the majority of men with penile bioplasty will have to endure a $50,000+ surgical nightmare in some unknowable time in the future is incredibly inappropriate.

Next time, if you have \"shit\" to say, make sure it stays in your ass.

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FFT with Stem Cell (Dr.Viel) 12 years 8 months ago #1274181239

I agree with Hoddle, when size issues get a grip on you it\'s mental torture.

And as to the statement that the vast majority of those with PMMA will have to have it removed, well that seems a little rash to me.

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FFT with Stem Cell (Dr.Viel) 12 years 8 months ago #1274180593

Thank you for sharing your story Hoddle. I know how hard it can be to dig up the past. I am sure you will ultimately prevail though. You are a very strong strong person with tremendous resilience. keep the faith. bb

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FFT with Stem Cell (Dr.Viel) 12 years 8 months ago #1274178272

I tried replying in a more general way, but found it difficult to say what I want in a way that doesn\'t leave lots of areas of debate, so have decided to be more specific and talk a bit of my own experiences.

I\'ve never told my whole story before as I\'ve always wanted to be able to tell it is a tale of triumph over adversity and I\'m not in a position to do so. But hopefully in the future I will be in a position to tell all. However, as many know, I had PE surgery that went badly. My main issue was I had a keloid scar that two nurses, in the biggest cosmetic surgery hospital in the UK, both independently described as the \"worst they\'d ever seen.\" It was like having a tumour growing in my groin and up the base of my penis. It totally removed all flexibility in the area so other than the fact it looked hideous, it made erections very painful. So I had a small, totally deformed and sexually redundant penis. I lived with this from mid 1997 to the end of 2001. Naturally I did regret having the surgery. But I can\'t say I was any worse off.

In the 5 years previous to the surgery, my life had been turned upside down due to penis size issues. I don\'t want to go into detail at this time, but I\'d wake in the morning and instantly feel nauseous. I\'d live my life in a totally depressive state and felt as if I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. It effected virtually every decision I ever made.

So whilst you I do regret having the surgery, as it didn\'t give me the results I wanted, I know I wasn\'t worse off. In fact, i can honestly say, that to an extent I was better off, as trying to get things corrected became my main focus. I used the thought correction and even the thought possible future surgery (I hadn\'t given up on PE despite this set back) as reasons to be hopeful. You could say it gave me a raison d\'etre. Prior to discovering that there were surgical PE options i was in such a bad state, that I don\'t think I\'m being melodramatic, if I say that had I not found out about the surgical options, I probably wouldn\'t be here today.

We all have different reasons for wanting these procedures, but some of us have far more to lose than others and conversely far more to gain. I\'ve been around forums now for a decade and have spoken with and exchanged messages and emails with hundreds of guys. I am far from alone when it comes to stories where small penis issues were literally making life unbearable. We all come from different backgrounds and environments, so it can be difficult to relate to the extent these issues can bother certain people.

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FFT with Stem Cell (Dr.Viel) 12 years 8 months ago #1274174816

\"there are guys whose lives wouldn\'t be all that worse off if things did go wrong\"

Hoddle no offense intended (I enjoy your posts) but I am kind of surprised you make this comment. A while ago you posted a link to a forum in Brazil where guys describe catastrophic long term consequences. This is the only resource I know of with info on PMMA bioplasty with procedures carried out before 2009. Also the anecdotal evidence from the forums on PMMA butt augmentation shows frequent foreign body rejection years after implantation. The women spontaneously develop granulomas leading to inflation and pain. A typical statement you read is \"I dont care what my ass looks like I just want to be able to sit down again!\".. Unfortunately the postings are all in spanish. Some with injections in fat tissue seem to make out okay after surgical excision. The ones that have the PMMA in the muscle tissue are the much worst off, since it can not be removed from this area. Not sure how well penile excision would go.. Granulomas in the face are very rarely reported. Some speculate this is because the filler encounters little mechanical stress so initial triggering inflammation does not occur.

Unfortunately PMMA is more challenging to remove vs silicone.
There are doctors in Latin America that advertise laser Removal during open surgery but it frequently leaves the patients worse off. Others advertise ultrasound saying it will dissolve the beads which is total nonsense but women fall for it. The only success stories I read about are ladies that have it removed using conventional open surgery in the US and Europe (ie not in the country it was injected). Although few surgeons want to take these cases since they are so difficult.

But my point is things can be much worse than being small if you lose sexual function and have to deal with chronic pain and health challenges.

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FFT with Stem Cell (Dr.Viel) 12 years 8 months ago #1274174535

Quantum wrote: @ hoddle: There\'s google for that. I\'m not doing anyone\'s dirty work just because they\'re lazy. I gave an opinion, just like many other people do on here, nothing more. Besides, hopefully it will give someone an opportunity to explore more if they so wish, after reading what I\'ve posted, by doing more research in order to find what I\'m talking about.

IMO, PMMA is no different than silicone, no different from FFT, no different from\'s all the same. Eventually, things go wrong and will go wrong. Sure, there are those who are \'lucky,\' however, the vast majority of penis enlargement surgeries go awry. Am I wrong? Honestly, can you sit here, with character on the line, and say that PMMA is a procedure that rational thinking people should undertake? People will, of course. I wish them the best.

I don\'t think it\'s a case of people being lazy. We\'ve had loads of members trawling the internet for hours, posting numerous links to studies etc and none of us have been able to find the kind of information that would suggest the majority would need it to be removed. As far as I know there is virtually nothing out there regarding long term studies. I think if you have this kind of information you should post it. It\'s a bit unfair to suggest the members of this forum are being lazy, when I\'m sure you\'ve personally benefited from reading information others have posted here.

I think there is a great deal of difference between PMMA, FFT and grafts. I can\'t see how anyone could think otherwise.

I think there is a rational way of thinking that would lead to someone having PMMA enlargement. As a Mod, I gets lots of PMs asking my opinion and to date I\'ve not advised a single person to have PMMA and have told all but 3 people not to. In general I don\'t think any PE procedure is anywhere near being ready for \"mainstream\" use, but there are guys whose lives wouldn\'t be all that worse off if things did go wrong, but could be a hell of a lot better if things went well. In those cases i feel the rewards well out weigh the risks.

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FFT with Stem Cell (Dr.Viel) 12 years 8 months ago #1274174391

@ hoddle: There\'s google for that. I\'m not doing anyone\'s dirty work just because they\'re lazy. I gave an opinion, just like many other people do on here, nothing more. Besides, hopefully it will give someone an opportunity to explore more if they so wish, after reading what I\'ve posted, by doing more research in order to find what I\'m talking about.

IMO, PMMA is no different than silicone, no different from FFT, no different from\'s all the same. Eventually, things go wrong and will go wrong. Sure, there are those who are \'lucky,\' however, the vast majority of penis enlargement surgeries go awry. Am I wrong? Honestly, can you sit here, with character on the line, and say that PMMA is a procedure that rational thinking people should undertake? People will, of course. I wish them the best.

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FFT with Stem Cell (Dr.Viel) 12 years 8 months ago #1274173904

Quantum wrote: FFT involves taking fat from part/parts of your body, and injecting the fat into your penis. There are complications: Rapid absorption (which makes the entire surgery pointless and a waste of money), and then there is clumping, in which fat clumps together causing clumps of fat which is hard to remove. Of course, there are other complications as well.

That Dr. is right about PMMA. Whilst PMMA is better than FFT in the short-term, the long-term affects of PMMA are not completely known. I would suspect, though, after reading through countless hours of PMMA material, I would imagine that the vast majority of people who\'ve had PMMA injected into their penis will ultimately have to have it removed (which could easily top $50K dollars). Also: I suspect that there will be some who will have to have huge chunks of their penis taken out, thus destroying their sex life. Stay away from PMMA, if I were you. If you\'re a rational thinking individual, adhere to my advice.

My advice: My stats are not impressive. I\'m 5 inches long, and 4.5 inches Girth. It\'s puny. However, after reading through hundreds of hours of penis enlargement material and this site, I\'ve have become \'at one\' with my stats. In other words, I\'ve accepted my stats.

Unless you have a micro-penis, I would advise that you steer clear of any penis surgery, unless you have the proper monetary funds to not only pay for penis enlargement surgery, but also for any type of disaster that may (and probably will) result after surgery.

You really need to post the information that has convinced you this will be the case. We\'ve got a thread specifically for these kinds of things, so it\'s important you that our members post any new information we are so far unaware of. At the moment we are desperately short of any long term studies, so the information you\'ve read could be invaluable.

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FFT with Stem Cell (Dr.Viel) 12 years 8 months ago #1274173293

FFT involves taking fat from part/parts of your body, and injecting the fat into your penis. There are complications: Rapid absorption (which makes the entire surgery pointless and a waste of money), and then there is clumping, in which fat clumps together causing clumps of fat which is hard to remove. Of course, there are other complications as well.

That Dr. is right about PMMA. Whilst PMMA is better than FFT in the short-term, the long-term affects of PMMA are not completely known. I would suspect, though, after reading through countless hours of PMMA material, I would imagine that the vast majority of people who\'ve had PMMA injected into their penis will ultimately have to have it removed (which could easily top $50K dollars). Also: I suspect that there will be some who will have to have huge chunks of their penis taken out, thus destroying their sex life. Stay away from PMMA, if I were you. If you\'re a rational thinking individual, adhere to my advice.

My advice: My stats are not impressive. I\'m 5 inches long, and 4.5 inches Girth. It\'s puny. However, after reading through hundreds of hours of penis enlargement material and this site, I\'ve have become \'at one\' with my stats. In other words, I\'ve accepted my stats.

Unless you have a micro-penis, I would advise that you steer clear of any penis surgery, unless you have the proper monetary funds to not only pay for penis enlargement surgery, but also for any type of disaster that may (and probably will) result after surgery.

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