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TOPIC: Let's clarify one thing about size...

Let's clarify one thing about size... 12 years 9 months ago #1273819008

Okay gentlemen, you\'ve both addressed your issues and made your rebuttals, so please allow us to resume the topic matter at hand.

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Let's clarify one thing about size... 12 years 9 months ago #1273656771

It\'s really crazy I read this post today because I was just thinking about this.
I\'ve been with probably 70ish girls over my time ( late 20\'s now) and was confident until I found one that I actually cared about. Found out she was with a really big one and something in my head said, \"ahhh you need one now.\" Well, I take many risks in my life so doing something like PMMA wasn\'t that big of a deal. This may be a dumb way of looking at it, but I figure if something goes wrong in 30 years then the advances in the medical industry will be good enough to fix the issue. Who knows, maybe we\'ll have robotic units that can grow, vibrate and turn into a flashlight when you\'re done so your girl can find her clothes.
Another reason I did it is because I\'ve lost interest in sex a bit. I\'ve done it so much with so many different people that it just seems like routine now. Having a new penis makes it feel different mentally and physically. I\'m hoping it feels better after round two since I feel like I have extra skin.
Those are the thoughts and reasoning beyond my motives. The reason why I was thinking about these thoughts again before round 2 is because a new girl I\'m seeing told me that she never got off on bottom before until she met me. I have no idea what her past dudes were like, but after round 1 I\'m between 5 and 5.1 mseg. So, nothing big or anything to brag about, but some how did something that nobody else was able to do. What does this all mean? One girl\'s past motivated me to get bigger and another girl\'s comment made me realize that maybe it isn\'t as important as I thought.

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Let's clarify one thing about size... 12 years 9 months ago #1273653536


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Let's clarify one thing about size... 12 years 9 months ago #1273653397

I absolutely think that most of us here if not all of us did some sort of PE, including this bad arse PMMA is because of social conditioning and because \"bigger is better\" syndrome that exist in our society today.

Like H10 said, if I was on an island with one woman, I do not think she would complain about the size of my Dick nor would I try to \"stick a stick on my Dick\" to make it bigger

I did it to hear the women moan and groan, I did it because my ex bitch told I had a small one (I was at or above average) to hurt my feelings, I did it because my Society shows me in ads, the movies and the commercials that bigger is every thing we do, cars, houses,buildings...etc. I am not fooling myself. I did it because it boosts my ego and sex DOES feel good, actually great.
I put a freaking Silicone implant in my Dick, how crazy is that? at the time it sounded good! now it would be criminal for me to do it again. I put PMMA three times in my Dick. The girls, most of them, love it. Some of them could not take it all the way in, that boosted my ego even though it was not fun to stop having sex because of a big unit.

Don\'t you guys go out and get a giant penis because of what I am stating here. This is my experience and my thoughts, YMMV! I think I have a bit too much PMMA now at about 7.5\" base Girth, and I am hoping I will lose some Girth to be able to have sex with any young woman with no children.

Read H10 post #9. It says it the best, and that is the way I see it because H10 said so

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Let's clarify one thing about size... 12 years 9 months ago #1273652836

Hey... I chose to have PMMA... not my wife. I don\'t think a huge dong is necessary to please a woman. I\'ve never stated such. It will make a difference to the vast majority (at least that has been my experience) and had a profound impact on my wife\'s enjoyment of penetration.

Bro... I watched him measure his unit. I didn\'t have to though as it was obviously huge. He was my best friend for three years and knows girls that have had bigger than him. He was over 9 inches long and over 6 inches in circumference. He was also extremely promiscuous and had slept with hundreds of females. Hell, he slept with at least 50 at my house during the duration of his tenancy. I\'m not saying any of this to stir things up. It\'s just how I\'ve experienced life. Everyone\'s experience is different. My uncle on my father\'s side sports an 11 Inch penis. Skinny dipping off his boat in Florida was enough to garner stares and feelings of inadequacy by me, my brother and my father. He\'s enormous. Like it or not, monster dicks DO exist. Not all women care nor are the majority incapable of being satisfied by the average 6x5\'er. Some love a man with a giant penis. These are the women I always end up with. Now I have a giant penis. End of story.

***For what it\'s worth, even if I were single I would have elected to undergo Phalloplasty via penile bioplasty. The PMMA does a great job camouflaging my peyronie\'s graft and actually offers me increased stability. I am middle age and had learned to live without my penis for a decade and a half. I have (other than aesthetics) experienced no negative consequences to date and have no regrets. Again, I do not recommend the procedure to young adults, teens, etc. I also think a psychological evaluation is in order for some individuals (names withheld). If I ended up with some horrific complication 2, 5 or even 20 years down the road and lost use of my penis, I\'d be okay. At present, I\'ve got incredible EQ, a straight functional penis and it\'s hella thick too. I owe a debt of gratitude to my brethren here at PhalloBoards for sharing their experiences and offering their advice. I\'m a happier person today... married or single. Like Jose Jalapeno says, \"I have the stick\".

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Let's clarify one thing about size... 12 years 9 months ago #1273652363

Androgen wrote: Hoddle, I understand what you\'re saying. I think the notion I am trying to convey isn\'t coming across correctly. What I\'m trying to say, is in relation to Gamecock\'s post about women being able to handle this size or that size. I\'m not concerned with that. I\'m not altering my penis to please them, but rather please myself. Regardless of where that insecurity stems from, the affect is self satisfaction rather than satisfying someone else. In short, my desires are far more selfish than \"will it hurt her if its this big?\" I want the size I want, regardless of it\'s function or utility, simply to satisfy my own feelings. I\'m not denying that my insecurities stem from an outside source, we are creatures of influence. Somewhere in my life I was influenced enough to believe what I believe an Alpha Male is. I\'m not doing it for anyone, only for myself. However the \"need\" for that satisfaction was indeed influenced by something. I\'m not doing it because some girl told me I\'m small, or because some guy in a porn has a bigger one. I\'m doing it to satisfy the feeling within myself.

I actually think your reasons I\'ve highlighted are true of everyone here, even those that are more obviously concerned by what women or a particular woman thinks. But ultimately I think it all stems from the same place, as you say it is \"influenced by something.\"
No matter what anyone says or believes of themselves, I don\'t think that if they knew for an absolute fact that no one else would ever see their penis again, that they wouldn\'t have one of these procedures given the risks. Though, given how we\'ve been all been so brainwashed, if there was no risk, even if there was no chance anyone would ever see it again, then I suspect many of us would still do it!

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Let's clarify one thing about size... 12 years 9 months ago #1273652053

Hoddle, I understand what you\'re saying. I think the notion I am trying to convey isn\'t coming across correctly. What I\'m trying to say, is in relation to Gamecock\'s post about women being able to handle this size or that size. I\'m not concerned with that. I\'m not altering my penis to please them, but rather please myself. Regardless of where that insecurity stems from, the affect is self satisfaction rather than satisfying someone else. In short, my desires are far more selfish than \"will it hurt her if its this big?\" I want the size I want, regardless of it\'s function or utility, simply to satisfy my own feelings. I\'m not denying that my insecurities stem from an outside source, we are creatures of influence. Somewhere in my life I was influenced enough to believe what I believe an Alpha Male is. I\'m not doing it for anyone, only for myself. However the \"need\" for that satisfaction was indeed influenced by something. I\'m not doing it because some girl told me I\'m small, or because some guy in a porn has a bigger one. I\'m doing it to satisfy the feeling within myself.

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Let's clarify one thing about size... 12 years 9 months ago #1273651797

In my opinion, I think what you\'ve said is what I deem a common mistake, when thinking our motivations aren\'t fueled by concerns of what others might think. When we make judgments about ourselves, we are actually perceiving what others might think. More often than not our physical insecurities don\'t stem simply from being told directly that there is something wrong. We are products of a competitive environment. Our physical insecurities are essentially Darwinistic. I seriously doubt any of us would have a physical insecurity without comparison.
Just to add I think the term \"insecurity\" is maybe something many guys object to, as they don\'t deem themselves to have one. But in reality even wanting to improve something you are already \"happy\" with, does count.

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Let's clarify one thing about size... 12 years 9 months ago #1273651546

Lol Hoddle, Which 3rd toe, left or right foot? And now that you mention it , my toe seems to be average sized. But I\'m happy with my feet because I find them attractive (not in a foot fetish sense, but they are aesthetically appealing.) As for my motivation of enhancement, it actually doesn\'t stem from girls opinions or remarks. I\'ve never actually had anyone tell me anything negative about a sexual encounter. But to me, my penis is not aesthetically appealing. Perhaps it relates to my thoughts about my body, bigger/thicker/harder muscle is attractive to me and represents an alpha male. Now to most people a musclebound body is unattractive. I don\'t base my desires off what other people want, and in all honesty I have actually gotten ridicule about my body. Some girls dont like seeing veins on my pecs or quads, but that doesn\'t change how I feel about it. I want a thicker penis because of how it makes ME feel. Even just holding my unit taking a piss, a bigger thicker unit would make me happier. I certainly don\'t feel inadequate to others, as my current size is in the top tier of average by the studies I\'ve read. Let me put it this way...if I could have sex for the rest of my life and keep my current size, or get a bigger one and not have sex at all, I\'d still go for the bigger one. Not because of anything anyone else has said to me, but because it\'s what I want. Now, I will agree with you that determining the direct cause of that desire is much more complex than just \"I want it for me.\" Perhaps I have some psychological issues in which I am fixated on the idea of what an Alpha Male is. I was just stating that my decision has absolutely nothing to do with women, or porn, or anything like that.

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Let's clarify one thing about size... 12 years 9 months ago #1273651375

Androgen wrote: In all honesty the reason for me contemplating penis enhancement is 100% solely for my own happiness and satisfaction. I\'m not trying to build something to make some random girl cum, or even a wife (if I had one.) It\'s my body, my thoughts, my life. I\'m unhappy with what I have, and am going to change it. The ultimate outcome falls 100% on me. It\'s no different than what I did with my body, I didn\'t start working out and experimenting with hormones and peptides for anyone but myself. The result, a body that I\'m proud of. I look in the mirror and I smile. It doesn\'t have anything to do with what girls say, or the compliments from people (even guys) at the gym. I feel the same approach should be taken to PE. If you\'re doing it for someone else, you\'re doing it for ALL THE WRONG reasons. Just my opinion. So if I want massive Girth, then I\'ll make that happen. It\'s about what I want, not anyone else. At the end of the day, married, single, promiscuous or not, you die ALONE. You have to live with YOURSELF. There is no escaping your own mind. No matter how many girls tell you your HUGE or SMALL. Ultimately it\'s your own thoughts the control the outcome. I once had a pyschologist tell me that others can\'t affect our feelings. It\'s our own interpretation and lack of control that allows someones words to hurt us or cause us stress. I think that\'s never been more true, especially in a PE sense.

But why are you unhappy with what you have? Do you even know how big your 3rd toe is compared to the average. Have you even given it a second thought?
In my opinion it seems that most guys have an issue with admitting they are getting this done as a result of being concerned with what others think. It seems as if it is seen as more noble or sensible to be doing this \"for myself.\" But I just don\'t buy it. I firmly believe that the root cause for wanting a larger penis is nearly always to do with being concerned with what others think. I just can\'t imagine a guy who was raised in solitude on a desert island, with no contact to other humans, would ever consider increasing the size of his penis.

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Let's clarify one thing about size... 12 years 9 months ago #1273651331

Miracle7x6 wrote: Hmmmm... Wonder who you\'re referring to...

I agree with the points made. In my case, I\'m married with 3 children and unfortunately... way over 30. I also lived without a functional penis for nearly 15 years. I\'m not out to create a monster however the increase in size has made a HUGE difference in the quality of sexual relations with my wife. I would imagine that a non childbearing woman would find my size very large but not huge. I know several friends with genuine penis length\'s in excess of 9\" and girths of 6\"+ and they\'ve rarely had issues with most girls they\'ve slept with. My ex roommate was a blessed guy with a monster Cock. He always had girls calling him for sex and had many threesomes and foursomes due to his stamina and humongous wang. Most of these guys report that girls typically go wild over their size and can become quite covetous over their new found \"prize\". Opinions will always vary. Perhaps on my side of the continental United States, women prefer larger men.

I DO NOT feel younger men should have a PMMA procedure done. I also do not recommend anyone go through an elective, life altering procedure without fully assessing the risks and long term consequences of their decision. I\'ve only been with around 8-9 women in my life and ALL of them said they like a big penis. Your mileage may vary. Even pre peyronie\'s, I was 8\" in length and 5.5\"+ in Girth and was never told that I was huge. I was told that I was a good size or \"perfect\". Truth be told, most really well endowed men are promiscuous and the girls that have been with them... compare every other man to them. This combined with the warped perspective pictured by the porn industry will drive the average joe insane. It\'s not a fair world. Never has been. Never will be.

Are you sure your friends possessed genuine 9+s and 6+s? Unless you saw it measured, I think they were exaggerating. Those lengths & girths are so exceedingly rare, to have known multiple men of that size is wildly lucky. Men fib about their size and sex lives similarly to women fibbing about their age and weight lol.
And I still wonder if your ex roommate wasn\'t blessed by looks, a strong sense of self-confidence (which his Dick could have played a role in), and his sexual prowess in bed which could have been as equally (or more) effective in scoring the chicks he did (?).
When assessing size, the best way to do it is by calculating penile volume. When comparing them against all the known surveys, all the known stats, with all due respect M7, you are certainly huge . Both your pre-peyronies 8x5.5 and your current 7x6+ are big units.
I understand why you chose the PMMA route, and I\'m not sure if Gamecock was specifically addressing this thread to you (if he was, I would have hoped and preferred he posted this as a response on any of your other threads). I think what Gamecock was trying to get at is how quickly we as a community can lose sight of the bigger picture when afforded such a convenient means to obtain significant Girth (PMMA).

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Let's clarify one thing about size... 12 years 9 months ago #1273651075

In all honesty the reason for me contemplating penis enhancement is 100% solely for my own happiness and satisfaction. I\'m not trying to build something to make some random girl cum, or even a wife (if I had one.) It\'s my body, my thoughts, my life. I\'m unhappy with what I have, and am going to change it. The ultimate outcome falls 100% on me. It\'s no different than what I did with my body, I didn\'t start working out and experimenting with hormones and peptides for anyone but myself. The result, a body that I\'m proud of. I look in the mirror and I smile. It doesn\'t have anything to do with what girls say, or the compliments from people (even guys) at the gym. I feel the same approach should be taken to PE. If you\'re doing it for someone else, you\'re doing it for ALL THE WRONG reasons. Just my opinion. So if I want massive Girth, then I\'ll make that happen. It\'s about what I want, not anyone else. At the end of the day, married, single, promiscuous or not, you die ALONE. You have to live with YOURSELF. There is no escaping your own mind. No matter how many girls tell you your HUGE or SMALL. Ultimately it\'s your own thoughts the control the outcome. I once had a pyschologist tell me that others can\'t affect our feelings. It\'s our own interpretation and lack of control that allows someones words to hurt us or cause us stress. I think that\'s never been more true, especially in a PE sense.

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Let's clarify one thing about size... 12 years 9 months ago #1273650404

Hmmmm... Wonder who you\'re referring to...

I agree with the points made. In my case, I\'m married with 3 children and unfortunately... way over 30. I also lived without a functional penis for nearly 15 years. I\'m not out to create a monster however the increase in size has made a HUGE difference in the quality of sexual relations with my wife. I would imagine that a non childbearing woman would find my size very large but not huge. I know several friends with genuine penis length\'s in excess of 9\" and girths of 6\"+ and they\'ve rarely had issues with most girls they\'ve slept with. My ex roommate was a blessed guy with a monster Cock. He always had girls calling him for sex and had many threesomes and foursomes due to his stamina and humongous wang. Most of these guys report that girls typically go wild over their size and can become quite covetous over their new found \"prize\". Opinions will always vary. Perhaps on my side of the continental United States, women prefer larger men.

I DO NOT feel younger men should have a PMMA procedure done. I also do not recommend anyone go through an elective, life altering procedure without fully assessing the risks and long term consequences of their decision. I\'ve only been with around 8-9 women in my life and ALL of them said they like a big penis. Your mileage may vary. Even pre peyronie\'s, I was 8\" in length and 5.5\"+ in Girth and was never told that I was huge. I was told that I was a good size or \"perfect\". Truth be told, most really well endowed men are promiscuous and the girls that have been with them... compare every other man to them. This combined with the warped perspective pictured by the porn industry will drive the average joe insane. It\'s not a fair world. Never has been. Never will be.

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Let's clarify one thing about size... 12 years 9 months ago #1273643867

I also think \"evil bitches\" have an unfortunate role in influencing some of the decisions made with regards to Phalloplasty. I recall an 8x6 at Thunders who genuinely believed he was small (obviously a serious case of body dysmorphia) because of the comments two women made in his past (one told him she had seen a longer one, and the other told him she had seen a thicker one). It was amazing that, in light of having a huge Cock, he still managed to convince himself that he was inadequate.
We must remember that a lot of times women (or gay men for that matter) take a shot at our \"size\" as a means to take a shot at our ego/pride. First lesson is not to date people of this type of character, and second lesson is to put demeaning remarks in perspective...chances are pretty good that if you are average or bigger, they were just jerking you around.
For the \"under 30\" crowd, I think pornography is becoming a real issue. I mean guys older than 30 obviously have always had access to porn (including internet porn), but it is the younger generations that are growing up with it, and in my humble opinion, is wreaking havoc on psycho-sexual development. If you go to any of these free porn sites, I\'d venture to say half their ads are Web-Cam subscriptions, and the other half are penis enlargement ads. The ads themselves are obviously photoshopped, but the very image of a 12x9 (as obviously unrealistic as it is) can have a negative impact on the male viewer. Furthermore, porn only casts above-average guys, with average cocks becoming less and less popular. What\'s really tragic is that the only market for small cocks is humiliation-based fetishes. The porn culture can and is having a devastating effect on our perceptions of size, sex, and women (in that they are so readily object-ifiable - I know that\'s not a word but so what lol).
I would say this thread is more suited for the Love, Lust, & Vanity sub-forum, but I think it will get more visibility here, and I think it\'s a topic worth discussing at length.

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Let's clarify one thing about size... 12 years 9 months ago #1273643766

gamecock wrote: This is about researching the best option available and deciding if it\'s worth the risk to try to create a potentially happier sex life and more confidence for ourselves.

I agree. That was and still is the ultimate purpose of this forum/site.

gamecock wrote: I have been with dozens of women in the last couple of years and I have learned that while I\'m sure size does matter to a point, the majority of pleasure comes from how a women feels (what she thinks) about you. She has this idea about you and that is what makes her cum, not you\'re amazing Girth.

I totally agree. And while I may not have half the experience of some of the guys here, I know from my conversations with women as well as what I\'ve learned over the years that quality sex with a woman is as much mental as it is physical (for both parties).
However, in fairness, when it comes to a purely physical point-of-view, a girthy penis can provided added sensation for both parties. Even in light of this, one does not need a magnum Girth to achieve quality sex. At the end of the day, a healthy guy with intelligence, humor, and charm, sporting an average unit can be just as (or sometimes more) gratifying than a John Doe with a monster Cock.

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