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TOPIC: Resonable expectations for PMMA girth enhancement

Resonable expectations for PMMA girth enhancement 12 years 11 months ago #1272745421

Hey guys, I have a length of 5.2 inches and my Girth is 4.75 inches. With my length and current Girth size, could I reasonably achieve a 6+ Inch Girth with PMMA? How many sessions do you think it would take? Esthetics is not an issue with me, I\'m going for Girth, as all the girls I\'ve ever dated and asked preferred Girth over length, with Girth being the clear favorite over length, and it\'s not even, I was thinking a 6.5\" Girth would be awesome, if that can be obtained with PMMA.
Would appreciate any feedback. Thanks.

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Resonable expectations for PMMA girth enhancement 12 years 11 months ago #1285290180

sacguy35 PhalloBoards is not a consumer service, so you really need to start your own research by reading the published material on this site. No one can really tell you whether one doctor\'s treatment is better or safer than another. Read the testimonials on PB and then you should be able to decide this for yourself. You could even contact both doctors and ask them questions.

\"Any scarring or deformities that you have heard of?\" Go to the progress reports section and do your homework. There you will read what issues people have had and what they were able to do about it.

I have not yet found any conclusive evidence that maintaining an Erection during the procedure has any real added benefit. The most important point is what you do AFTER the procedure has been done. You will need to keep the penis elongated and symmetrical.

Welcome to the forum and best wishes.

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Resonable expectations for PMMA girth enhancement 12 years 11 months ago #1285287586

So I am researching the idea of doing PMMA for the first time. I have not had any enlargement procedures done, and I do NOT have any sexual or autoimmune diseases (AIDS). I am trying to determine who is better Dr. Luis Cervantes or Dr. Sallas. Apparently they have slight different techniques. Dr. Sallas keeps the penis fully Erect for 2-3 hours which sounds risky but may be better for spreading umma evenly in the shaft and Dr. Cervantes keeps the penis partially Erect. I have not seen any reviews that clearly show one dr is better than the other. Can you recommend who\'s treatment is more effective and safer?Also when it comes to PMMA what is the price, and is one visit enough? If not how many times on average to get desired results? Any scarring or deformities that you have heard of?Just want to do my homework before getting anything injected into my penis

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Resonable expectations for PMMA girth enhancement 12 years 11 months ago #1272985695

Hi Quantum,
You ment your Glans and not glands, glands are organs in our body which secret substances e.g. hormones (endocrine glands), you have also salivary glands which secret saliva into our mouths, lymph gland (or node) and sebaceous glands etc.

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Resonable expectations for PMMA girth enhancement 12 years 11 months ago #1272972770

I want to say thanks for everyone who gave their opinion. Perhaps 5.5 or 5.75 would be more reasonable than 6\" since my EL is so short (which sucks). Hopefully I can reach 5.5 in two or three procedures. If look is not that bad, then I\'ll shoot for 5.75 and stop there.

And my glands (is it glans, or glan or glands?) is no doubt small. Definitely got to keep that in mind, too.

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Resonable expectations for PMMA girth enhancement 12 years 11 months ago #1272832007

Posted by jlmb

Also, @Miracle, haha I love that site, but I wish they had head size options. Glands don\'t often follow proportionally with the other dimensions!

So true!

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Resonable expectations for PMMA girth enhancement 12 years 11 months ago #1272824474

As Miracle states, anything beyond basic manual PE should be done with extreme caution, lots of research and with a routine that is tailored to your body and responds to how you react, not others.
I still suggest that basic PE, Jelqing and manual stretching are good for everyone, and would advice starting ThunderPlace\'s newbie routine as it might brings some pleasant gains and a more responsive penis.
Another thing as people often talk about getting lipo in addition to PE surgeries, I\'d like to comment on how much general bodily health affects all aspects of your penis. I\'ve heard random statistics about how much penis length you lose for being so and so overweight, etc. Erectile quality and responsiveness are also hugely affected by diet, exercise habits, and things like smoking and caffeine intake. I think anyone who is wanting to improve their penis, enlarge it, and or improve their sex lives is doing themselves a huge disfavor by not trying to conquer the other negative aspects as well, throwing money at a surgery should be part of an overall routine if anything.
Also, @Miracle, haha I love that site, but I wish they had head size options. Glands don\'t often follow proportionally with the other dimensions!

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Resonable expectations for PMMA girth enhancement 12 years 11 months ago #1272749422

And I agree with M7, even a half-Inch in Erect Girth can make a very noticeable difference. If I\'m not mistaken, guys can start wearing magnums (which are designed for large girths, not so much long lengths) at around 5.25\"+, and the XL\'s somewhere around 5.85\" + (again, correct me if I\'m mistaken). At those sizes, you\'d be one of the thickest most of your female friends have had. Anything above the 6\" EG marker should only be entertained by those with longer lengths (imo), because there is a point-of-no-return with aesthetics, no matter how skilled Dr. C is.

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Resonable expectations for PMMA girth enhancement 12 years 11 months ago #1272749360

6.5\" is super huge, like as in you will have trouble-finding-condoms-that-fit huge, and may exceed most of the women you surveyed\'s comfort threshold.
I\'m 5\" BPEL and will be lucky if I ever reach 6\" EG at just the base alone (tapering up toward the glans) because, otherwise, it would look pretty weird. Aesthetics are not a huge concern for me, but let\'s be honest, we don\'t want a blob either. We weren\'t born with 7\"-8\" lengths (which would accommodate more Girth aesthetically), and sometimes we have to concede there are certain sizes we were never meant to be.
As a personal suggestion, 5.5\"-6\" is a more realistic goal with much more application (more women will respond positively) than a 6\" + goal.

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Resonable expectations for PMMA girth enhancement 12 years 11 months ago #1272748403

When one exceeds one\'s Erect length in Girth, it will (in most people\'s opinions), look quite unnatural and unattractive. If you are 5.2\", I wouldn\'t go over 5.5\" personally. I know of MANY, MANY, MANY people who are permanently disfigured, impotent or have a complete loss of sensation due to manual PE. Some of these routines are insane and can cause irreversible damage. Stretching and the jelq are okay in my opinion along with low pressure (

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Resonable expectations for PMMA girth enhancement 12 years 11 months ago #1272747991

I was curious of this too. My stats are almost the same except a slighty smaller Girth at 4.5. I know through belloderm or a different graft it can be brought up to almost 6 for Girth. But its a really major surgery. My goal was to lipo my fat pad (its really big from always being overweight) and just do a few sessions of PMMA. And maybe stretch before 1st session. At the end of the day even an Inch more of Girth would make a big difference i think.

Im also going to ask dr c this.

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Resonable expectations for PMMA girth enhancement 12 years 11 months ago #1272745453

At your stats I\'d serious consider doing manual PE for 4-6 months, even if you still go ahead and want to seek further options.
From my experience it seems as if most people can gain a bit to even a significant amount of gains from simple manual PE, or further more advanced manual PE like Hanging, Clamping, or pumping.
It might not help with Girth, but if you gain half an Inch or more to your length (the seemingly average newbie pe gain over at you\'d be able to carry more Girth from PMMA augmentation while not sacrificing aesthetics, even if that not a priority.
I view manual PE such as a good jelq routine and manuals stretching really adds to overall penis health and conditioning also.
As to your specific question, it seems members of this board with similar or less Girth starting stats have made it fairly close to 6+ with three or more sessions, but they were capable of handling large amount of PMMA ccs due to length.

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Resonable expectations for PMMA girth enhancement 12 years 11 months ago #1285292400

sacguy35 wrote: So I am researching the idea of doing PMMA for the first time. I have not had any enlargement procedures done, and I do NOT have any sexual or autoimmune diseases (AIDS). I am trying to determine who is better Dr. Luis Cervantes or Dr. Sallas. Apparently they have slight different techniques. Dr. Sallas keeps the penis fully Erect for 2-3 hours which sounds risky but may be better for spreading umma evenly in the shaft and Dr. Cervantes keeps the penis partially Erect. I have not seen any reviews that clearly show one dr is better than the other. Can you recommend who\'s treatment is more effective and safer?Also when it comes to PMMA what is the price, and is one visit enough? If not how many times on average to get desired results? Any scarring or deformities that you have heard of?Just want to do my homework before getting anything injected into my penis

Who is Dr. Sallas? Did you mean Dan Salas (who works for a physician that offers the technique you described) ? He\'s not a doctor, just to clear that up.

And \"Dr. Cervantes,\" I\'m thinking you meant \"Dr. Casavantes.\" Your research is clearly lacking, please do what Ilovetofu suggested.

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