I know, I know, Wrong category. Hopefully our moderators will let this thread sit in the general
Phalloplasty category before moving to supplements to reinvigorate the discussion. I would appreciate any and all of those members currently using peptides/test/or hgh please share your anecdotal stories and your approximate age, and length of experience. I realize this is a thread that belongs elsewhere, but is very much an extension of the whole
Phalloplasty experience, especially with regards to collagen and growth factors. I have been researching this thoroughly and have a \'legal\' means to obtain these through prescriptions, but it extremely cost prohibitive. I am ready to do a hgh/test/hcg doctor guided protocol, but will be looking for alternate sources in years to come as this will cost about 8-10k/year to maintain. That isn\'t in the cards long term. I\'m very wary of depleting my own natural production even though I\"ve been assured this will not happen. I will be combining this with regular exercise and my goals are not to become a competitive body builder but to maintain my youthful energy and fitness levels. I\'m jealous of those of you overseas- it seems hgh is quite affordable in the UK and elsewhere (JBM said $1000 a year! sign me up man!). I\'m looking at 1.5 iu hgh/day and 250 test cipionate wk for 40 weeks with serms and ia\'s to accomodate. I\'m beginning my 40\'s. Thanks fo rall future all feed back and those who\'ve already led me down a path- please pm me with any \'sensitive\' suggestions or advice. I am an avid \'listener\'. Regards