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TOPIC: Lumps post 10%, 20% and30% PMMA

Lumps post 10%, 20% and30% PMMA 13 years 1 month ago #1271405293

I talked to Dr C directly and was told that the new PMMA will be produced exactly like the previous Newplastic, the changes in names are due to some politics and internal managerial differences of opinion...we should get info from all possible sources to assure accurate judgments.

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Lumps post 10%, 20% and30% PMMA 13 years 1 month ago #1271186672

You are absolutely right entry points near the glans would not close up quickly and they stay open for a few days (that had happened to me in the 1st round but in the 2nd round I refused any entry points near to the glans so he inserted the cannula at the mid-shaft and the base, and the other main reason why I refused that was the risk of infection because I had alloderm graft before that, so I would advise everyone esp. who had a graft before no entry points near to the glans, avoid water coming near to the wounds and take your antibiotic to protect your old remnant graft from infection (a severe infection can happen and it will be a disaster) .
IMO I think to reduce the chance of bump or nodules formation (beside using a lower conc. near the glans, entry points near the base and massaging in the 1st 24 hrs) Dr.C. should stop injecting any PMMA within few mm around the entry points (just before he pulls the cannula outside the wounds) because the beads when they come out and stay in the entry points and cluster at this area they will cause dense new collagen i.e. nodules (it is known that the present of PMMA beads superficially can cause nodules and bumps).

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Lumps post 10%, 20% and30% PMMA 13 years 1 month ago #1271186332

I have one bump from one injection point under the gland. I had it with the new technique at 10%. The bump showed up after about 2 weeks.

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Lumps post 10%, 20% and30% PMMA 13 years 1 month ago #1271185851

I did massage the area immediately behind the glans and PMMA oozed out of it for about a day then most of the entry points healed. I then asked if I should continue to squeeze and massage, the answer was no, it will aggravate the area. The area right behind the glans and where the entry point were, was very very sensitive and very painful to massage right after the session, however, it was done with great pain. Had I known this would happen, I would have requested entry in the middle of the shaft or base to lessen these problems. Also, some entry points near the glans would not close up quickly, they stayed open for a few days giving chance to infection (non happened thu)... At this point from the little that I know, I would not have entry points near glans again.

So far, 20% seems to fill a lot better and is giving better volume and gains.

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Lumps post 10%, 20% and30% PMMA 13 years 1 month ago #1271185617

@ ndbig1+supa
A representer of the biomedical said that NewPlastic was not available.
Also what I heard there was a legal issue that halted the stop of NewPlastic, but I am sure Dr.C.\'s distributor still has a large supply so he has not been effected.
But as I mentioned before Lebon laboratories are making a new better=cleaner generation of PMMA, it doesn\'t mean that NewPlastic was not good for penile injection they are just upgrading it.
As I said before there is a PMMA congress in Mexico city on Wednesday and on the following day the CEO of Biomedical will meet Prof.L. and then I will report it here if I get any new informations.

@ mustang2020
I agree with what you said \" These bumps, as far as I have read and know from this site, have not showed up \"as often\" when the entry points were at the base of the penis.\"
The reason for that it could be due to the anatomy of the penis (behind the Glans and the base is different i.e. the skin, the superficial layers and the dartos muscle in these areas), the other advantage of having the entry points only at the base is it will be easy to massage the area behind the Glans (it is very important in the 24-48 hrs) without the fear of PMMA coming out if the entry points were behind the Glans.
@ justabitmore
It is true what Wade recommended massaging and squeezing these entry points (but I would advise to do it as early as possible i.e. in the 1st 24 hrs don\'t delay that).
I do agree with you \" it feels more and more like my Cock as the weeks go by\".
But it will feel even much better later on (i.e.>6-12 months).
I think for the gap behind my Glans I will ask first only for the 5% and I will make it sure that the entry points will be far away from this area (i.e. mid-shaft or the base) so that I could massage this area as early as possible esp. in the 1st 24hrs to smoothen the area.

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Lumps post 10%, 20% and30% PMMA 13 years 1 month ago #1271184526

@ smartman I had a tiny lump grain sized at the incision point near the glands. It appeared after 6 days and disappeared after two weeks. I had the same on my first procedure. Wade recommends that you try and squeeze these point and try and fluid out so it doesnt settle at the incision point. As regards to what to use in that area I have to say I am not sure! they used 20% throughout including up to the circ scar. actually its perfect there! The unevenness which is slightly better now is around mid shaft. I think its just harder to control 20% as each cc will yield more density than 10% so if you get it wrong it is more pronounced. With 10% I would have had to go another time to get this result and they would have been able to more precise when adding the next layer if that makes sense. Also one more thing to note is that I now have more PMMA so it now is much easier to feel the bit that is not me! However it is improving and although I am not gaining size it feels more and more like my Cock as the weeks go by. I am still less than four weeks out so I expect further changes. If you need to get right to the glands I would go no higher than 10pc and if it is a small fix then 5%. Wade did that and had a great result.

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Lumps post 10%, 20% and30% PMMA 13 years 1 month ago #1271182222

Hi Smartman,

All this is quite confusing. Biomedical still advertises Newplastic: .

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Lumps post 10%, 20% and30% PMMA 13 years 1 month ago #1271179971

@smartman. So do I understand that NewPlastic is no longer being produced?
Do you know what were the \"problems\" where there and what do they mean by a \"cleaner\" product?

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Lumps post 10%, 20% and30% PMMA 13 years 1 month ago #1271179856

MM and all, I did notice that the little bumps showed up around one week. They are exactly at the point of entry near the glans. These bumps, as far as I have read and know from this site, have not showed up \"as often\" when the entry points were at the base of the penis.

At this point and without more data, I am to think that the thin skin near the glans may be part of the cause of these bumps. If I go for my 3rd session, and now it seems a must for correction, then I will not accept entry near the glans and will request Kenalog shots as needed.

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Lumps post 10%, 20% and30% PMMA 13 years 1 month ago #1271178038

I think I have now more information about NewPlastic (I hope all these informations are true) :-
Dr. Nacul had problems with Lebon laboratories (the producer of NewPlastic) so now they are bringing a better, cleaner PMMA product to the market \" Art-Safe \"???
When I get more information about this new product and when it will be in the market (it sounds soon), I will inform you.
I think we should ask Dr. C. more about the old and the new products ??

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Lumps post 10%, 20% and30% PMMA 13 years 1 month ago #1271177103

Dr. Samy Passy has replied to my e-mail (but most of you know that Dr. Samy owns Metacrill ???) :-
A) The result of Metacrill implant is related to the micro-spheres concentration: the more is the concentration, the more is the new tissue formation, so I use only 30% concentration.
New Plastic is an imitation of Metacrill, but it has not the same composition. Metacrill has EDTA that New plastic has not and other small differences that in conjunct makes a big difference.
The fabrication of New Plastic ceased some months ago.
I have no cases of lump formation in any area of Metacrill implant, because I do the implant in a cylindrical form.
I have asked him about EDTA :-
Q) What are the benefits of using EDTA \" ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid \" in Metacrill ?? Does it only help in preventing infection and the bio-films ??

A) EDTA prevents infection and bio-films, but has another action that constitutes a secret of Metacrill, as I can not say it to you.
Q) I have also asked Prof. Lemperle about the different concentrations used by two different doctors (e.g. 10% and 30%), EDTA and its benefit and if it is used in Artefill and Artecoll ??
A) Theoretically, the beads in 10% are further apart and stimulate less tissue formation - but also less volume ! Only a third of what 30% do. So you have to inject it 3 x more often. I will discuss your question with Luis , with whom I fly to the PMMA congress in Mexico City on Wednesday.
about EDTA :-
No, it may prevent clotting of the platelets - and they play no or little role in the encapsulation process of the microspheres.
It is known that EDTA from taking blood samples, where it prevents clotting. Maybe he uses it as a lubricant for the microspheres to be injected easier ???Biofilms and infections play no role in particulate injectables: there are too many macrophages around to each possible bacterium....
Q) I have asked him again:- if he thinks that EDTA in Metacrill can help in preventing the beads from sticking to each other and becoming clustered together i.e. the beads will be better distributed and it will help the weak carrier (cellulose) in Metacrill in carrying the beads like what the stronger carrier (bovine collagen) in e.g. Artefill does ?? I.e. Cellulose+EDTA together have almost the same function as bovine collagen.
A) It could be true, we use Tween 20 or Tween 80 to cover the beads and make them suspended in the collagen - otherwise the beads will float on the collagen. EDTA may have the same effect. Inside the body, beads in cellulose clump anyway.
I just want to share these informations with all of you, I don\'t know if they are true or not, it could be that Dr. Samy is just bias for his product , I will try to get more information about that as much as I can.

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Lumps post 10%, 20% and30% PMMA 13 years 1 month ago #1271173058

You should see these lumps and nodules earlier e.g. \" 7-10 days after the injection and definitely before 6 weeks \". But in regard of the Foreign Body Granulomas formation it is a different story if they are going to be formed they will be formed in the period between 6 months and 5 years and they are usually triggered by a systemic infection.

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Lumps post 10%, 20% and30% PMMA 13 years 1 month ago #1271172378

Quick question
How long after the PMMA procedure are these lumps and bumps showing up? Is there a \"you\'re out of the woods\" date?
Thanks guys, MM

Oh...and one last question...Has anybody experienced any Girth increase 3,4 months,(or more) post PMMA procedure? I\'ve noticed what is perhaps a small increase (about 1/8 of an Inch) in the Flaccid state these last 2 weeks... (4 months Post PMMA procedure)...

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Lumps post 10%, 20% and30% PMMA 13 years 1 month ago #1271172338

Thanks \"ndbig1\" excellent observation the size of the cannula is also important. I think also massaging the penis and checking for any irregularities and correct them as early as possible esp. during Erection will help to reduce the formation of these lumps and not to forget the wrapping has also an effect.

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Lumps post 10%, 20% and30% PMMA 13 years 1 month ago #1271171563

Smartman, another factor that I am observing/researching is the old cannula vs new smaller cannula in the respect to lumps? An added factor is the concentration and percentages also in relation to the small vs large cannulae as they all relate to the bumps and size.

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