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TOPIC: Complications

Complications 13 years 3 months ago #1271014627

I read in here that someone (I think it was Skeptical) was aware of quite a few PMMA complications. Could you list those that you\'re aware of, obviously without disclosing where you heard about them? We hear lots of success stories, but the problems that we might face if we decide to have the procedure are an important part of the decision making process. Thanks!

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Complications 13 years 3 months ago #1271014908

Bob1000 wrote: I read in here that someone (I think it was Skeptical) was aware of quite a few PMMA complications. Could you list those that you\'re aware of, obviously without disclosing where you heard about them? We hear lots of success stories, but the problems that we might face if we decide to have the procedure are an important part of the decision making process. Thanks!

It\'s understood that small nodules, skin discoloration, edemas, and pulsations (of mild pain in the shaft) make up the bulk of reported & unreported minor complications. It should also be noted that the majority of these issues have resolved with either time, treatment, or both.
As far as I know, no major complications (e.g. tissue Necrosis, PMMA rejection, infection, permanent retraction, etc) have been reported using this specific method and doctor (Dr. Casavantes).
Aesthetic complaints (reported or unreported) are not deemed complications.
I strongly urge any patient with possible complications to report them to the forum.
With all that being said, the short-term success of this method relative to all others is remarkable, at least in my observation. Long-term success & safety is still uncertain, but it is being assessed voluntarily by forum members here at PhalloBoards.
Hope that helps.

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Complications 13 years 3 months ago #1271014942

I\'d also recommend using the Search function, entering in the word \"complications\" while sorting it by \"Subject Only.\" You\'ll get some good reads, including the link I\'m posting below..
Highly recommend this thread: which is a lengthy discussion of complications in general using PMMA.

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Complications 13 years 3 months ago #1271017968

THat being said, remember that everything, in excess, carries complications, even drinking water. And everything, in moderation, can be a success too. Complications arise when trying to achieve too much too fast. PMMA is being used in moderation in small steps at a time. In that light, there doesnt seem to be MAJOR complications from it. And the minor issues that do arise from time to time all seem treatable. I wonder how come we have never heard of anyone being allergic to PMMA. Isnt that theoretically possible?

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Complications 13 years 3 months ago #1271037779

If we expand the definition of complications to include poor aesthetic results, how common is that? I\'ve seen many great outcomes on this website. I\'ve also seen post PMMA pictures of a fellow with two thick ridges or rings, one around the base of the penis and another just behind the glans. Is this kind of result common? Rare? Is it a random thing that occurs despite a person\'s best post-treatment care, or does it result from not following prescribed routine? What do you have to do to prevent it? Sorry about all the questions, but before I alter my gift to Womankind, I\'d like to know that, when the zipper comes down, they won\'t bolt for the nearest exit.

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Complications 13 years 3 months ago #1271039895

Bob1000 wrote: If we expand the definition of complications to include poor aesthetic results, how common is that? I\'ve seen many great outcomes on this website. I\'ve also seen post PMMA pictures of a fellow with two thick ridges or rings, one around the base of the penis and another just behind the glans. Is this kind of result common? Rare? Is it a random thing that occurs despite a person\'s best post-treatment care, or does it result from not following prescribed routine? What do you have to do to prevent it? Sorry about all the questions, but before I alter my gift to Womankind, I\'d like to know that, when the zipper comes down, they won\'t bolt for the nearest exit.

Aesthetic satisfaction is highly subjective and I\'m not sure should ever be regarded as a complication. Although Dr. C is highly reputed for his masterful technique, not all penises behave the same, and some inevitably wind up with issues which may require additional touch-up work to resolve.
A lot of discussion regarding these matters can be found throughout the old & new forum, and I strongly recommend using the Search function, lot of good stuff around.
I have some aesthetic issues I consider minor (while others may consider it more problematic) which could not have been prevented as far as I know. A traction device post-op may have alleviated some of the issue but I highly doubt it would have eliminated it altogether. I\'m seeking follow-up sessions to correct this, and now with the upgraded cannulas, I\'m feeling more confident in its resolution.
Boob jobs look fake because the breast are artificially enlarged. It\'s not any different with the penis, regardless of method. As remarkable as Dr. C\'s work has been with many members... others will deal with penises that have contour issues, shape & size irregularity, as well as the infamous dwarfing of the glans. Fortunately, many of these issues are correctable, but only to a certain degree.
Other than following post-op protocol (and maybe utilizing a post-op traction device)... I believe a conservative and staged approach is the best way to keep aesthetic satisfaction high. As a matter of fact, the very move to 10% for Round 1 was done with aesthetics in mind. If you stick with 10% and are okay with mediocre & staged gains, that may be your best bet to offset any aesthetic irregularities. Those who pursue sheer & significant Girth may have a harder time.

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Complications 13 years 3 months ago #1271040225

@ SO
Thanks for the valuable information that you and others provide. It has definitely saved me much time in researching, and time is something I have very, very little of.
Which leads me to a question.
Question: Does Dr. C. now only do 10% in first procedure only, and not 20%?
In terms of knowing that my time is extremely limited, and will be for years to come, I find it imperative that I need to acquire as much as possible during first round, as time is indeed a major factor (my work requires year round travel). Knowing that I would only have time for one trip per, say, 2 years is not an acceptable time-frame for me.
I am not so much concerned with aesthetics since my work requires so much travel, that having a steady girlfriend is nowhere in my immediate, or long-term future.
Will Dr. C. accommodate to my vigorous work schedule and, say, do 20% in first round? Or is this something that I will probably be better off trying to find out through him? Well, of course that\'s the preferable method, but I have yet to successfully receive a reply from him.
edit: My intention is to not highjack this thread, if that\'s what I\'ve done. If so, then please feel free to message me, SO, as I don\'t want to interfere with original intention of thread.

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