Hey guys,
So I thought I\'d share some advice on my experience with my new size.
Right now I\'m at 6\" girth after 3 surgeries. This is about an inch and a half gain in girth. I found that with the new found size there are some draw backs I didn\'t think about.
What I\'ve noticed is a huge improvement during sexual intercourse. It\'s so much easier to make my partners orgasm. Sex overall is better and just plain fun now. This has led to a stronger confidence and ability to pull in women.
Women seem to be willing to put up with more shit from me then usual and not saying anything about it. If you\'re good in bed it seems it\'s worth it to them to deal with BS. Not saying I\'m an asshole or anything but sometimes I just want my way and get it.
So what I\'ve noticed that with a larger sized penis, women have trouble with condoms. They dry out very quickly and need a lot of lube. Because of this and because women enjoy the size so much almost all of my partners ask me about half way through sex to remove the condom. This is new in my experience and it\'s very very hard to say no, knowing that the sex will get better for both of us. If you\'ve read my other post you know this has caused me to go get tested and receive my first STD treatment ( Nothing serious ).
Another thing you need to realize is if you\'re into smaller women most of them will have trouble with your size. The smaller the body the harder it will be. I\'ve found that between petite women and curvier ones, sex is better with the curvier ones because they can take more aggressive sex which I\'ve been preferring lately. This is actually changing my taste in women. I used to be particular to shorties but now I\'ve been eye\'ing larger more shapely women.
I\'ve never been a player or an doush bag that toots and boots. I usually only have partners with whom\'s company I enjoy. What I\'ve noticed is even though I\'ve been clear about not wanting anything serious, women seem to want to force me into something serious. I\'ve broken one person\'s

twice ( and she kept coming back ) and now I\'m realizing that another person I\'m seeing is testing me to slip into a relationship ( Leaving clothing personal stuff around ). This is new to me and I\'m learning how to deal with having a friendly relationship. Have a larger size means a change in how you handle relationships. We know size matters and effects the scale on how a women judges you. When you go up in size the scale changes in your favor but you need to know how to deal with the women in your life.
The more girth you\'re looking to gain the more surgeries you\'re going to need. I\'ve had 3 of them so far and I will need another touch-up soon to really polish off the tip. This is actually caused me to hold off and lose some relationships where I don\'t want to have sex until it\'s finished so it doesn\'t seem different to them. Most women I don\'t think would notice but there\'s one person I\'ve been really trying to have something with that has a very tight vagina. She actually noticed something was weird after my second surgery but didn\'t say anything. I did see her kinda of twitch when I\'d go in deep because there was a big ridge at the time.
So I\'m really posting this article for the folks that are looking to go way over 6\". Please read above and understand what changes you may encounter with a 6.5\"+ girth. I know of a few friends who have that naturally and they have never had a serious relationship with anyone. They are sexual tools that women use them for. They also can\'t ever really be with anyone small or not a royal slut. Just a draw back for them they will never be able to get over.