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PMMA at 18 13 years 7 months ago #1269690146

Is it done by doctors at this age?

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PMMA at 18 13 years 7 months ago #1269892217

Don\'t even consider it at 18.

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PMMA at 18 13 years 7 months ago #1269892056

Thank you TenInchGoal for confirming my post. I also would advise anyone at such a young age to not even entertain the thought of Phalloplasty until 21 years of age; preferably, 25. Complications CAN and DO happen. Severe distress and psychosis can develop that far outweigh one\'s hopes and dreams of possessing a huge member in the unfortunate event things go badly.

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PMMA at 18 13 years 7 months ago #1269891820

Mine grew till I was 21, so I advice you not to do anything yet!

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PMMA at 18 13 years 7 months ago #1269706137

Your current dimensions are great and only porn movies distort that impression. Sure one day if you want you can go get some more Girth, but you also have a lot of potential to grow. You may want to try DHT cream applied locally before going and getting into surgery. It might stimulate your currently active growth activators and help spur on further growth before your body shuts down the natural process. I\'d avoid any form of intervention other than that suggested by Miracle7 above. Sure this is a time where one is insecure, but at your age I more than proved myself with lots of satisfied girlfriends with a shorter and narrower unit. If in a few years time you find that you still need oto do something, then the procedures will be better and safer with additional choices. You might want to read through the old forum also and check out the threads where folks talk about their past experiences with less than large penises. You\'ll find that much of this is psychological in nature or prompted by others who use size to upset people. There is one valid reason beyond self-image to get Phalloplasty, and that is to better satisfy a woman who is unusually oversize or has had children and needs larger Girth to get the full experience. Otherwise it is much in the mind and shouldn\'t be done lightly. PMMA is permanent and irreversible. At your age if you insist I would recommend FFT which will be absorbed in over time, giving you a chance to reconsider your options in a few years.

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PMMA at 18 13 years 7 months ago #1269695098

@JABM Thank you my friend. It\'s almost a full time job counseling injured men. Between PB\'s, Thunder\'s and MOS, I am constantly advising someone. Please guys... I implore you. Be careful with your penis. You CANNOT replace it.

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PMMA at 18 13 years 7 months ago #1269695052


The penis can continue to grow up into the early twenties. At your young age, IMHO, it would be absolutely foolish to undergo any surgical or non surgical Phalloplasty procedure. Your curvature is either congenital (born with it) or acquired (peyronie\'s), both of which I have tremendous medical knowledge and experience with. Bending your Erect penis will cause trauma to the tunica albuginea and worsen your situation. Manually straightening your Erect penis also causes trauma.
If you have questions or concerns, please PM me and I will answer them in due time. Please be patient as I am already advising/counseling at least 5 members here at PB\'s. If I had a dollar for every man that attempted to manually enlarge his penis through \"natural\" enlargement and injured himself, I\'d be a rich man. Sorry. Hanging weights, stretching, pumping, Jelqing, etc is NOT natural. It IS man\'s desperate attempt to turn his BB pistol into an elephant rifle and often with horrific consequences. Having profound medical knowledge as well as two family members that have PHD\'s, I BEG you to reconsider any decision to undergo surgery and to seek the advice of a qualified Urologist immediately. Early diagnosis and treatment of morbus peyronie is paramount.

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PMMA at 18 13 years 7 months ago #1269694777

for an 18 year old guy you have a large penis and you have potentially both more length and Girth to come.
I am not familiar with our condition but that seems to be your problem and whatever you do you need to make sure you get that fixed (if it needs fixing) first.
PM Miracle7 or visit him on his thread under the penile reconstruction thread where he has a thread call peyronies disease.

He is a top guy and will help you I am sure.

Good luck


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PMMA at 18 13 years 7 months ago #1269691783

My penis has a fulcrum/almost curve to it. It looks like this:
Which is quite criminal because if I have a 90% erection and I straighten it, I can hit 6.5+ inches. It\'s weird. When I bend my penis, it bends at the curve (while erect). Kind of like that\'s the weak spot. If my penis ever bends, it bends at the curve. Often I can\'t go in that extra inch deep because my penis will bend at that curve and not penetrate. Fulcrum (I wouldn\'t really consider it much of a curve) factored in the equation I\'m at:6.0 x 4.75
My penis is also shaped like this around, but slightly more boxy I guess:
It\'s decent width wise, but up to down (whatever term this is), it\'s quite abysmal.

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Last edit: by Dev_Team.

PMMA at 18 13 years 7 months ago #1269691664


Your penis can still grow at your age. what are your current measurements?

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PMMA at 18 13 years 7 months ago #1269691347

I don\'t see a reason why it the Dr. wouldn\'t do it for you. I would say if it grows some more you would probably just need to go back for a touch up, but that wouldn\'t be any different from guys who get PMMA and begin a stretching routine. They just go back and get a touch up session. However, I would discuss it with the doc.

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PMMA at 18 13 years 7 months ago #1269690450

I\'m just worried about what would happen if my penis still grows some.

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PMMA at 18 13 years 7 months ago #1269690180

Probably, but you\'d be best to contact Dr. C\'s office and check first.

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PMMA at 18 13 years 7 months ago #1269894444

Thank you.

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