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TOPIC: Collagen Growth

Collagen Growth 13 years 7 months ago #1269636445

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I just did a quick search for discussions about promoting collagen growth on the site but didn\'t come up with anything. Is there any guidance on promoting collagen growth for new PMMA patients?

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Collagen Growth 13 years 7 months ago #1269647244

@ EP and gsxr

DR C told me they were going to do 5% but then he said 10% had been no problems and you could get a little too scientific for no benefit. But I think they are changing their minds as they are learning.

Re the same gain theory. My first round I think gave me similar results to the 20% brigade give or take. My second round at day six was at next to no gain...But now a few days later things are happening. I have a feeling 20% would give you some sort of advantage. If I gain 0.3-0.4 (which is much more than I was shooting for) I would say my second round of 10% was as good as most others but at the moment it looks like I might end up with 0.25 in which case I think I probably would have gained a bit more with 20%.

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Collagen Growth 13 years 7 months ago #1269645041

Many of the aforementioned supplements will aid in collagen production. The steroids mentioned will absolutely help as well. However, nothing beats the power of youth. Collagen production is at an all time high when we are young (hair, nails, skin, etc). Oral ingestion and topical collagen treatments have limited potential to have a profound impact on our body\'s ability to produce collagen. If you are below the age of 40, they are worth a try. If you want the best possible chance at collagen production, I would eat healthy, exercise, supplement, sleep well... and if you\'re more advanced in years as I am, get on the HGH bandwagon. No, not the spray kind. Not the pill kind. They don\'t work for shit. Injectable human growth hormone and insulin growth factor (IGF) are a sure fire way to increase the body\'s production of collagen. If anyone wants more information, please PM me. I\'m always happy to share.

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Collagen Growth 13 years 7 months ago #1269643938

@ HunkChunk - I\'m in no way condoning steroid use either, just stating an interesting tidbit I learned from my \"research\" that I felt related to the topic of collagen growth.
I would recommend for anyone post PMMA or for overall well being to focus on a healthy diet first before looking to supplements. I\'m personally a health nut so I use a daily mutli vitamin, fish oil, ALA, garlic and green tea extracts. After PMMA I will up the dosages on all these to be in as best of health possible for hopefully a speedy recovery.

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Collagen Growth 13 years 7 months ago #1269643605

I wouldn\'t recommend for or against using heavy duty steroids as they can be anything from the very best to the most dangerous of substances depending upon what is used by whom, without forgetting how, when and in what doses associated with other influences. That\'s anyone\'s call and one must research the subject thoroughly before playing with matches.
I am using during this intense collagen formation period three different types of Co Q10 plus Paba pills, similar composition paraminobenzoic acid also known as Potoba, and adding for good measure L-Lysine, some Vitalixin which is composed of porcine Relaxin as well as and small doses of DHEA supplement (which I use for anti-ageing purposes). I am also taking high potency nascent iodine and two kinds of Bromelain one in natural supplement form and the other with a special processing to by pass digestive degradation in its medical form Extranase.
That\'s about it, otherwise I am letting nature do its work and am avoiding pumping or using any lotions or chemicals in topical application (I have stopped applying DHT cream since the PMMA injections). It seems likely that nature will do its job well on its own, I will add Vitamin C thanks to the above posts pointing out its importance.

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Collagen Growth 13 years 7 months ago #1269643283

Hmm I\'m interested as to what I will receive this weekend, like others have mentioned I like the idea of 10% but would be a bummer not to see any gains.
As far as stimulating collagen growth Equipoise is supposed to stimulate collagen production by around 300%, if you wanna go with a more \"legal\" approach I saw Costco had a collagen supplement but it seemed to consist of mainly Vitamin C, I\'ll probably buy some anyways couldn\'t hurt.

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Collagen Growth 13 years 7 months ago #1269639114

When I was at my appointment, wade told me he put i believe 5 percent into his unit. To try it out and see what it was like. He also said he wanted to try it just to do something different.

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Collagen Growth 13 years 7 months ago #1269638776

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It actually sounded like they were seeing fewer instances of nodules and lumpiness with the 10% solution. Agreed on the wait-and-see. I\'m all for esthetics but it won\'t do much good if the volume achievements are slashed. At least a .5\" increase would be nice.
I did some further catch up on some of the older posts from early-mid July and see that they are only recommending 10% for the first session, which I wasn\'t aware of and didn\'t clarify with them. However, Wade did mention to me that it\'s easier to place PMMA in the latter sessions so maybe 20% isn\'t out of the question is subsequent injections. It\'d be good if someone could clarify with them as I still have some goals in mind and would like to know if it\'s just a \"pipe\" dream.

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Collagen Growth 13 years 7 months ago #1269638394

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The only thing I can think of is that the 10% solution gives sufficient bead density for the collagen to bind to while the higher concentrations tend to lead to densely packed beads where the collagen isn\'t able to reach their maximum potential growth around each bead which may be a reason for the odd bump. This is just a guess though as he didn\'t go into details but both he and Wade were confident that the 10% solution was giving them similar results without the issues, thus the switch.
I did do some reading on collagen growth and came up with some of the same information. Vitamin C and a higher protein diet are definitely helpers and I also read a bit on Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10. It\'s a naturally occurring enzyme that has so many purported benefits that I lost count. One of them is collagen creation which has nutritionists putting into oral supplements and topical creams. Some of the breast enhancement creams (which apparently are full of bunk) include CoQ10 as an ingredient. I just thought that was comical. It\'s not that expensive so I may try both. The oral supplements look to have plenty of other benefits anyways so who knows, I may scare off a cancer or heart ailment a little while longer just by taking it to grow a girthier member.

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Collagen Growth 13 years 7 months ago #1269637105

Great question, I think it was Miracle7 who suggested some supplements to me which promote collagen production, and this may be especially useful for older patients whose body doesn\'t produce as effectively as it once did.
The doctor\'s office does not require any need to promote collagen growth, however I think this will be an important topic in the coming months/years if penile bioplasty dominates Phalloplasty (as it is currently trending to do).

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Collagen Growth 13 years 7 months ago #1269685602

Thanks for your kind offer, I sent you a PM. It will probably help with the session 2 collagen buildup?
EDITHad sent that PM to the wrong name, another is in your inbox.

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