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TOPIC: ! New & Improved PhalloBoards !

! New & Improved PhalloBoards ! 5 years 9 months ago #1308693397

I\'ve decided after approaching a decade of some of the most insightful PE content on the web that I\'m going full-time with PhalloBoards and its operations.

Not only has the community contributed so much to the wealth of information here, but we\'ve seen the contributions of experts in the field. Dr. Casavantes before, and now Dr. Oates and Dr. Carney are joining the discussion to help dispel myths, educate the community, and aid in the centralization of knowledge to improve the field of penis enlargement. I plan to bring in more experts through a careful vetting process I\'ve learned over the years. I will not extend Sponsorships to physicians or clinics that haven\'t demonstrated competency in this field since the reputation of my site relies on their legitimacy.

This site started out as an impartial one and will continue to be impartial. Sponsors will have their own forum section, but members can still freely discuss topics, critique, etc. Progress reports both good & bad will be welcomed as always, as they serve as some of the strongest indicators of a physician\'s work. That said, I will be much stricter in Moderating Progress Reports (i.e. certain bits of information will be required, Before & Afters will be required, etc) so that we don\'t have shills paid to boast a physician, or a competitor out to ruin a physician.

I will be logging in a full-time commitment to ensure improved Moderation and organization of the site\'s content. With a new platform, we can start fresh and keep all the new information more readily accessible for new readers. I can imagine how messy the forum has gotten nowadays and it can be tricky to sift through.

So how about a new platform altogether? I\'m thinking about the possibility of a PhalloBoards 3.0 to better consolidate the content and to provide a more user-friendly experience. This site (as well as the original site found at will remain open, but the members will migrate over to the new site to continue where we last left off.

So that\'s where you all come in. In this thread I\'m asking for ideas, features, thoughts on what you\'d like to see me do with a new site. Here are some that come to mind for me:
Instead of the 28 sub-forums we have now, we can consolidate them into no more than 8-10. Something like: General Discussion, Progress Reports, Men\'s Health, PE Exercises & Equipment, Testicular, Reconstruction/Revision, Micro-penis, Articles & Publications, and Off-Topic Miscellaneous. This way it isn\'t as overwhelming.Daily moderation to ensure there aren\'t repeat and redundant topics. I\'ll encourage bumping old threads in order to keep all the information pertaining to a topic all in one topic as best as possible.A return of features found on this forum that are no longer available, examples: see when someone last logged in, subscribing to threads, etc.Publishing a massive comprehensive Phallo-Wiki with the help of the Moderation team, veteran members, and physicians that cover everything from acronyms, to methods and techniques. This was talked about before but has now become a very practical assignment since I\'d be full-time.A live chat-room for scheduled Q&A\'s with experts & physicians on set calendar dates.A few other things I\'m blanking on that I\'ll post later in this thread as the days go by.
Members will also see that funds acquired through Membership and Sponsorship accounts are and will be used to develop the new site. That said, I can still use any donations for other necessary steps along the way (e.g. graphic design work, legal expenses, etc) and anyone who would like to see this site and its purpose prosper, please private message me on how to help in this regard.

I admittedly fell out of favor with this site a couple years back, some may even recall the site being unplugged for a short while. I was preoccupied with matters that are no longer a burden. This site has so much potential, not just for own personal endeavors, but for a field that has profoundly affected my life. I\'ve been imbued with a new sense of purpose and I\'d like to see PhalloBoards become the premier site for all things Phalloplasty, and maybe some day, all things Men\'s sexual health.

Thanks for all those who\'ve contributed over the years and I look forward to reading the community\'s input,

-Skeptical One

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! New & Improved PhalloBoards ! 5 years 9 months ago #1308693626

Thanks for what you do, looking forward to seeing Dr. Carney post on here we've all heard a lot of great stuff.

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! New & Improved PhalloBoards ! 5 years 9 months ago #1308694795

@Skeptical One
Nice post my man. looking forward to being a part of the changes.

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