Most articles rely on a history of phalloplasty being regarded as dangerous. Risk of death almost has nothing to do with the actual enlargement (in other words, the risk of death is present with a lot of surgeries), and the notion of a \"smaller\" penis is due to complications like scarring from some botched procedures.
Most deaths arise from either non-surgical related matter (i.e. the billionaire who had a

attack while having enlargement performed), or from improper technique (e.g. unqualified practitioner or shoddy product). Otherwise, if you\'re going to a credible physician and they employ modern techniques, I wouldn\'t freak out. That\'s one reason I\'m excited about introducing more Sponsors to PhalloBoards. I\'m not just taking anyone, only those have cleared my vetting process.
The truth is that these publications aren\'t in touch with where penis enlargement is going. Especially as it pertains to dermal fillers & girth enhancement. It\'s becoming increasingly safe & effective, period. Risk of death isn\'t even acknowledged, and options like HA & PMMA are about as casual as getting botox.
I guarantee you that article has a fraction of knowledge this forum possesses and relies on a history of stigma & experimentation found in phalloplasty.