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TOPIC: Girth enhancement by Dr. Morganstern

Girth enhancement by Dr. Morganstern 5 years 11 months ago #1308337522

Keep us updated good luck Researching

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Girth enhancement by Dr. Morganstern 5 years 11 months ago #1308248607

Does anyone know if being circumsized is a requirement for the Girth procedure in Morganstern ?

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Girth enhancement by Dr. Morganstern 5 years 11 months ago #1308247488

No pictures , just trust me . Dr Carney is a cool cat , talks to you the whole time puts you at ease . I live apex 20 minutes away so we are splitting it up in two sessions, next will be May 7th for 10ml juvaderm. I can't wait for the final round. It is a little freaky after he's through, it looks like it went through a meat grinder but follow the directions he gives. The biggest help was the tub soaks as hot as you can stand . As of today no bruising just a 1-1/4 Girth increase

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Girth enhancement by Dr. Morganstern 5 years 11 months ago #1308246276

Just had the first round of the Fusion from Dr Morganstern's office. 10ml Elanse , fusion was on 4/2/19 . Today feels great and looks great

Any chance you could post a picture?

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Girth enhancement by Dr. Morganstern 5 years 11 months ago #1308245966

Just had the first round of the Fusion from Dr Morganstern's office. 10ml Elanse , fusion was on 4/2/19 . Today feels great and looks great

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Girth enhancement by Dr. Morganstern 5 years 11 months ago #1308102457

I'm interested in either Ellanse or blend of Ellanse /voluma Going to wait and see progress reports from members

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Girth enhancement by Dr. Morganstern 5 years 11 months ago #1308099478

I did the blend of Ellanse and HA, only 2 weeks ago. Things are just now really settling down. Too soon to give much info. Although this morning was the first solid positive experience with the wife. I think it was a little too much. At this point I'm still 1 1/4'- 1 1/2' thicker.

Please keep us updated. I am considering going to him also. I am still trying to decide between Ellanse and PMMA.

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Girth enhancement by Dr. Morganstern 5 years 11 months ago #1308090185
This one?

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Girth enhancement by Dr. Morganstern 5 years 11 months ago #1308090139

I did the blend of Ellanse and HA, only 2 weeks ago. Things are just now really settling down. Too soon to give much info. Although this morning was the first solid positive experience with the wife. I think it was a little too much. At this point I'm still 1 1/4'- 1 1/2' thicker.

so glad u have a such good result! What's the price?

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Girth enhancement by Dr. Morganstern 5 years 11 months ago #1308089135

I did the blend of Ellanse and HA, only 2 weeks ago. Things are just now really settling down. Too soon to give much info. Although this morning was the first solid positive experience with the wife. I think it was a little too much. At this point I'm still 1 1/4'- 1 1/2' thicker.

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Girth enhancement by Dr. Morganstern 5 years 11 months ago #1308085685

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Girth enhancement by Dr. Morganstern 5 years 11 months ago #1308078396

He offers fat injection and Ellanse.
Fat injection is unpredictable it might last a year or 10 years, it tends not to wear off evenly eventually going lumpy, perhaps because it's reliant on blood flow and unlike stimulatory fillers doesn't cling to your internal tissues meaning its prone moving over time.
Ellanse is a stimulatory filler which comes in different versions lasting 2,3 and 4 years. I think most people on this board would agree this is a better option.

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Girth enhancement by Dr. Morganstern 5 years 11 months ago #1308078365

I know that they use HA and Ellanse for sure: separately and a blend. Not sure on anything else though: You could call and talk to them.

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Girth enhancement by Dr. Morganstern 5 years 11 months ago #1308078066

Hi Reklaw. Do you know what Morgenstern is currently using for Girth enhancement and if so, how long it lasts? Thanks

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Girth enhancement by Dr. Morganstern 5 years 11 months ago #1308074263

The only permanent way of increasing Girth is injecting PMMA, if it says that on his website he's referring to FFT which isn't permanent, but all physicians seem to say it is or exaggerate how long it lasts.

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