The counterfeit goods industry is a $500 billion per year industry. The prevalence of counterfeit goods in our society is astounding, and you\'d be surprised what unethical/illegal manufacturers are ripping off just to make a quick buck. I very highly and strongly recommend to recipients of PE fillers to have your doctor not only open up the boxes in front of you, but take a picture of the unique batch/unit numbers on the box and product. Confirming the batch/unit numbers with the manufacturer is the *only* way to truly know if you have received a valid authentic product.
A proactive strategy would be to contact a product manager, from the filler manufacturer, before your procedure, tell them you have an upcoming procedure and that you\'d like for them to be ready to confirm a batch/unit number on the day and time of your procedure. This way there\'s no possibility of bait and switch. Within a few seconds of opening the product in front of you, right in the operating room, you\'ll get a quick confirmation whether the product you\'re about to receive is the real deal. This is a reasonable request of any patient, and any doctor that resists should raise a red flag.