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TOPIC: Suspensory ligament cut regret

Suspensory ligament cut regret 5 days 9 hours ago #1308720749

im here to share you my worse choice of my life experience
im 23 yo french man, and i have done 6 month a go a suspensory ligament cut in Turkey (because my budget was low)
but the surgeon lied to me and said that he wont cut all my suspensory ligament but only a small part and that my Erection would still be stable.
today the shape of my scar is very ugly and my Erection is very unstable it hangs toward down angle to the left and this is mentally making me in depression and killing my libido
im trying to look on internet for informations if a surgery that makes the suspensory ligament connected again to the penis does really exist but i havent found any info about that
a friend of mine suggested me to try this website, in hope of getting answers
i would like to know if any of the doctors here performs the suspensory ligament reattachement or if it does or doesn't even exist
thousands thanks in advance.

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Suspensory ligament cut regret 5 days 6 hours ago #1308720750

@PhalloplasticSurgeon_DrLiu or @Rejuvall perform the procedure itself, so I'd imagine they'd be very qualified on the topic of re-attachment.

Sorry about your situation, I've seldom come across a ligamentolysis (lengthening surgery where the suspensory ligament is severed) leading to this much change in angle, but penises hanging to the left or right can be normal for some men. The scars can be softened and improved over time in addition to being masked by pubic growth (and I say this without in anyway trying to be dismissive or insensitive of your situation). It is easy to explain away the scar from an accident, and it seems your libido is a side effect of your mental state, not your penis's ability to actually become erect.

I'm really trying my best to phrase this in a way that translates in the right tone assuming you wrote your message with a translator, and expect to read this in the same way. I personally don't recommend phalloplasty under the age of 30, maybe 28 if financially secure (it used to be 25, but I have changed my mind on that a while ago). Furthermore, you had to learn the hard way unfortunately that taking short cuts with things we value very much has its consequences. I'm not trying to scold you for being 23 and getting this surgery on a low budget, I'm instead trying to emphasize to you that at your stage in life, you may be over-thinking the nature of your complications.

Correct me if I'm mistaken but:
(1) You have no infections?
(2) You haven't gotten shorter in length?
(3) You can still get an erection, the only difference is an angle change?

You have to understand that while you did not receive an ideal outcome, or even a good one, that you are lucky to have a functional penis after taking the risks you did. Like I said before, some men naturally have differing angles, both flaccid and erect. The scar can improve with treatment over much time, pubic hair growth will help mask much of it, and you can even sound like a tough guy and say you survived a fight and have the scars to prove it B) :)

If you are willing to share a photo, perhaps we can see how significant this is, and if a re-attachment is even necessary. If you are not comfortable posting this on the Forums (I'm not acquainted with Turkish sensitivities, so forgive me if it seems unusual to ask), I would strongly recommend emailing it to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. where it will be private. If I share it, it will only be with Doctors who can perhaps give me additional advice to help.

I know it's hard to believe now, but by 28-30 years of age, you'll feel very different about this ordeal, and you will even look back on it and find yourself grateful that it wasn't worse, and may even have a good laugh realizing that it wasn't so bad after all. I assure you, at your age, the uncertainties can be overwhelming, but from what you describe, it does not seem so bad at all. I want to remind you again that I am not trying to disregard your grievances, but to instead encourage you to see that it may not be nearly as bad as you think.

Oh and I would recommend using an A.I. like ChatGPT or DeepSeek to translate since they are language learning models and seem to have a better sense of interpreting tone and context than standard online translators.

Best of luck!

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Last edit: by Skeptical_One.

Suspensory ligament cut regret 5 days 6 hours ago #1308720753

@PhalloplasticSurgeon_DrLiu or @Rejuvall perform the procedure itself, so I'd imagine they'd be very qualified on the topic of re-attachment.

We would suggest a scar revision and to see if the surgeon can also tighten some of the surrounding skin to change the angle. It's possible that there is scarring causing this drastic change in angle. Unfortunately, there is no way to reattach the ligaments if they were severed and removed. With your current mental state, we would not recommend another invasive surgery at this time.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Skeptical_One

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Suspensory ligament cut regret 4 days 12 hours ago #1308720765

Hi reisonboard
When the suspensory ligaments are cut and divided it is important to fill in the "void" left by the separation of the cut ends for 2 reasons: 1. To prevent the cut ends from re-attaching, 2. To form a foundation and to strengthen the base of the penis. When this is done properly, it is as if the ligaments are lengthened by putting a graft between the cut ends.
The problems you have may be because this wasn't done or inadequately done. Depending on what is found at the time of surgery other procedures may be helpful such as re-enforcing the area using fascial grafts.
You should consult a surgeon experienced with this type of treatments in Turkey, France or England.
Best wishes to you.
Victor Liu, M.D.

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Suspensory ligament cut regret 4 days 10 hours ago #1308720768

thank you so much for your answer,
to answer your questions
(1) i have done spermogram test out of stress, result is 0 quantity of sperm, most propably has nothing to do with the surgery i guess, but there is a presence of white blood cells which means an infection, i have done a spermoculture ( i dont know if its written like that in english) and the result is a presence of ureaplasma urealyticum which i also think it has nothing to do with the surgery ( i hope )
(2) You haven't gotten shorter in length? i dont think it did, is there a chance that i might loose in lenght?
(3) You can still get an Erection, the only difference is an angle change?
im having hard time to maintain the Erection for a long time , difference is angle and stability, my penis feels like it has no support at all
about the scar , i should the scar to a uro doctor that cant help me with anything , but what he said is that the scar is very ugly and badly done
it has a shape of U and not a VY scar shape
i would like to send you some pictures yes please so that you give me your precious opinion
sorry for my English i hope you understand what i written
and thousands of thanks for your informations and careness

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Suspensory ligament cut regret 4 days 10 hours ago #1308720769

thank you for your answer
to be honest im very disappointed that i cannot reattach it anymore by anychance..
sadly the doctor after the surgery said
"we did not insert any foreign material like plastic or silicone to prevent reattachement , we cut the dorsal suspensory ligament fully and brought the skin deep inside to prevent reattaching"
i dont understand what he meant by bringing skin deep inside but this scared me not gonna lie.
thank you for your precious informations !

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Suspensory ligament cut regret 4 days 10 hours ago #1308720770

Rejuvall wrote:

@PhalloplasticSurgeon_DrLiu or @Rejuvall perform the procedure itself, so I'd imagine they'd be very qualified on the topic of re-attachment.

We would suggest a scar revision and to see if the surgeon can also tighten some of the surrounding skin to change the angle. It's possible that there is scarring causing this drastic change in angle. Unfortunately, there is no way to reattach the ligaments if they were severed and removed. With your current mental state, we would not recommend another invasive surgery at this time.

thank you for your answer !
how would i know if my ligament were severed and removed ? i really want my penis to be stable like before so so bad

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Suspensory ligament cut regret 4 days 6 hours ago #1308720771

Hi,iam speak turkish and german and i research and speak with many many turkish urologs and surgerys in turkey ,i go many time to turkey but at the Moment we dont have pepair doctors for botched penisoperation in turkey or europe ,and pmease dont cut the ligament ,in turkey they dont can make good penis operation is bad turist operations i say to you at the Moment only rekonstructive urologs can help you and in europe only the best Repair zrologs in schottland and uk.i hope i can luttle help you ,please dont cut the ligament dont go to butcher doctors in turkey they want only money and have bad old techniques

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Suspensory ligament cut regret 4 days 6 hours ago #1308720772

Prof.David Ralph, Expert for Phalluskonstruktion Londoner University College Hospital. !!!

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Suspensory ligament cut regret 3 days 7 hours ago #1308720781

thank you for your answer !
how would i know if my ligament were severed and removed ? i really want my penis to be stable like before so so bad

Unfortunately, the only way to know for sure would be another surgery.

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