Sorry if this has been talked about or is posted in the wrong area but i was curious as i've searched the forum and haven't found but a few posts on this but aside from the question im asking in my title I was curious if this seems logical. For example, The creator of the Malehanger comments on another forum that he doubts length gains are possible after
PMMA but IMO through compression
Hanging it would still be possible considering commpression
Hanging gains come from the Base. In other words new penis is essentially pulled out slowly over time where there wouldn't be
PMMA, at and before the base of the penis. Whereas on the other hand with Vac
Hanging where the gains seem to come from the entire shaft where there already is
PMMA you would think this would be unlikely to be able to stretch as easy or at all over time given the newly added
PMMA filler. Curious thoughts from someone who is pretty convinced on getting
PMMA in the next couple years but would also like to add another half
Inch length.