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TOPIC: Circ scar swelling

Circ scar swelling 1 month 1 week ago #1308718535

How would I even know where the scar is? We are talking about an internal scar, right?

I’m honestly not confident that a cosmetic doctor has the knowledge to fix this. I may need to go see an actual doctor. But what kind of doctor would I go see here? A surgeon? An urogolist? Not really sure where I would start.

You can see where your circ scar is because there's a very faint change in color on the penis down towards the head. If you were Circumcised shortly after birth, that's where the delivering doctor made the cut.

No, a regular plastic surgeon should not be trusted to this task. It is best left to a surgeon who has been trained in cosmetic Urology specifically.

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Circ scar swelling 1 month 1 week ago #1308718540

Rejuvall wrote:

How would I even know where the scar is? We are talking about an internal scar, right?

I’m honestly not confident that a cosmetic doctor has the knowledge to fix this. I may need to go see an actual doctor. But what kind of doctor would I go see here? A surgeon? An urogolist? Not really sure where I would start.

You can see where your circ scar is because there's a very faint change in color on the penis down towards the head. If you were Circumcised shortly after birth, that's where the delivering doctor made the cut.

No, a regular plastic surgeon should not be trusted to this task. It is best left to a surgeon who has been trained in cosmetic Urology specifically.

And what would this surgeon have to do to fix an issue like this? Starting to get a bit nervous tbh…

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Circ scar swelling 1 month 1 week ago #1308718553

And what would this surgeon have to do to fix an issue like this? Starting to get a bit nervous tbh…

I know that Dr. Carney has developed a technique to mitigate this during a fat transfer Girth surgery, however I'm not sure about how he does it with filler procedures. I will ask him when he's in tomorrow and get back to you on that though.
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Circ scar swelling 1 month 3 days ago #1308718592

Rejuvall wrote:

And what would this surgeon have to do to fix an issue like this? Starting to get a bit nervous tbh…

I know that Dr. Carney has developed a technique to mitigate this during a fat transfer girth surgery, however I'm not sure about how he does it with filler procedures. I will ask him when he's in tomorrow and get back to you on that though.

Did you ever get any more information? Unfortunately, mine is still acting up. I was wearing compression for a good 5 days and after taking it off it always seems to fill/swell back up. :(

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Circ scar swelling 1 month 3 days ago #1308718593

Dickwhitman79 wrote:

CuriousFiller wrote:

Dickwhitman79 wrote:

CuriousFiller wrote: As you’ve already seen in my other post I’m having the exact same issue. How long has this been going on for you?

I had my filler 3 and a half weeks ago. Been an issue for the past two and a half weeks. I’m now trying compression for a few days as suggested in my forum post.

I’m not sure how the filler would cause this, though? I thought it was inflammation caused due to the needles during the procedure.

If you look on @Rejuvall website they mention this happens in ~20% of cases. Men have a scar that is beneath the skin and you don’t know there’s a problem until you have surgery or filler . Basically the lymphatics are blocked and not draining properly. How it’s remedied I have no idea. Mine doesn’t create pain or discomfort. It just looks bad and gets very puffy. I’m in the process of dissolving all my filler so I’ll update the board once I do if the issue has in fact resolved.

It’s been going on for a very long time. I’m just realizing that what I thought was “soft” filler was actually fluid.

Oh damn. That’s really discouraging to hear! I really was hoping that this issue would be temporary. I still don’t understand why dissolving the HA would help fix it, though. Do you think the HA in the penis is causing the blockage?

Since this seems to happen in 20% of the cases is it normal that it doesn’t eventually fix itself? What does your doctor say?

Sorry don’t let me discourage you. Yes I think it’s caused by filler but perhaps there’s a solution. I’ll report back after I meet with Carney. Stay tuned

Did you ever speak to your doctor about this?

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Circ scar swelling 1 month 3 days ago #1308718594

CuriousFiller wrote:

Rejuvall wrote:

And what would this surgeon have to do to fix an issue like this? Starting to get a bit nervous tbh…

I know that Dr. Carney has developed a technique to mitigate this during a fat transfer girth surgery, however I'm not sure about how he does it with filler procedures. I will ask him when he's in tomorrow and get back to you on that though.

Did you ever get any more information? Unfortunately, mine is still acting up. I was wearing compression for a good 5 days and after taking it off it always seems to fill/swell back up. :(

Not yet. I see him in a few weeks.

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Circ scar swelling 1 month 2 days ago #1308718607

Rejuvall wrote:

And what would this surgeon have to do to fix an issue like this? Starting to get a bit nervous tbh…

I know that Dr. Carney has developed a technique to mitigate this during a fat transfer girth surgery, however I'm not sure about how he does it with filler procedures. I will ask him when he's in tomorrow and get back to you on that though.

Did you ever get any more information? Unfortunately, mine is still acting up. I was wearing compression for a good 5 days and after taking it off it always seems to fill/swell back up. :(

My apologies, I didn't get the answer until after I left the office for the weekend since it was such a packed day here.

So, from what I understand, with filler it isn't actually lymphatic drainage. The lymphatic drainage block happens with a fat transfer and a deep circ scar, but there's something different happening with the filler.

What's happening is that gravity wants to pull the filler down towards the tip of the penis, so it migrates a bit. Then, because of the deep circ scar, it starts to get trapped down there, causing a swollen appearance. I'm not sure how another doctor or surgeon would do it, but Dr. Carney is able to tell how deep the circ scar is when he sees a patient in person and has developed an injection technique where he can then apply the filler in a way that evens everything out and will keep it even as it settles.

I realize that's probably not the answer you were looking for, and I apologize I don't have better news or a "quick fix" for you. If you're not able to come to Atlanta, make sure to do your research and choose a provider who has loads of experience and a deep understanding of the penis organ and all the different ways these procedures can affect it before "taking the plunge" again.

I'm so sorry you're experiencing this problem, and I wish you the best of luck on continuing your enlargement journey. I'm happy to answer any more questions you may have as well.

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Circ scar swelling 1 month 2 days ago #1308718608

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I have some skepticism about this, shouldn't it be possible to tell from the texture if it is filler or lymph fluid? Mostly because this is a place where lymph accumulates even during rough sex for some people. The patient said he noticed a pain at that area during the procedure, could something have been poked through causing a small leak of one fluid cavity for another?

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Circ scar swelling 1 month 2 days ago #1308718610

I have some skepticism about this, shouldn't it be possible to tell from the texture if it is filler or lymph fluid? Mostly because this is a place where lymph accumulates even during rough sex for some people. The patient said he noticed a pain at that area during the procedure, could something have been poked through causing a small leak of one fluid cavity for another?

I'm not sure what you're referring to when you say "fluid cavity."

There's no way to tell exactly what the issue is for this patient without a physical examination (knowledge of the original injecting provider's technique and expertise would also be helpful), but Dr. Carney said that the circ scar/lymphatic drainage issue is related to the fat transfer while with a deep circ scar and filler, it's an issue of gravity pulling the filler down and the filler not being able to redistribute back into the shaft because it's blocked by the circ scar.

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Circ scar swelling 1 month 2 days ago #1308718611

Rejuvall wrote:

I have some skepticism about this, shouldn't it be possible to tell from the texture if it is filler or lymph fluid? Mostly because this is a place where lymph accumulates even during rough sex for some people. The patient said he noticed a pain at that area during the procedure, could something have been poked through causing a small leak of one fluid cavity for another?

I'm not sure what you're referring to when you say "fluid cavity."

There's no way to tell exactly what the issue is for this patient without a physical examination (knowledge of the original injecting provider's technique and expertise would also be helpful), but Dr. Carney said that the circ scar/lymphatic drainage issue is related to the fat transfer while with a deep circ scar and filler, it's an issue of gravity pulling the filler down and the filler not being able to redistribute back into the shaft because it's blocked by the circ scar.

Thanks for the replies . I just want to clarify there are two different people asking questions in this thread . I am seeing Dr Carney in a few weeks. He’s been nothing short of great for me . Unfortunately he’s great for everyone so he’s quite hard to get into see. I’ll update everyone once have my consultation. Thanks!

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Circ scar swelling 1 month 2 days ago #1308718612

Thanks for the replies . I just want to clarify there are two different people asking questions in this thread . I am seeing Dr Carney in a few weeks. He’s been nothing short of great for me . Unfortunately he’s great for everyone so he’s quite hard to get into see. I’ll update everyone once have my consultation. Thanks!

You're quite welcome! Like I mentioned in my earlier reply to CuriousFiller, when you see Dr. Carney, he should be able to correct it with his specialized technique for this issue. Please don't hesitate to ask any more questions in the meantime--I'm happy to help however I can.

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Circ scar swelling 1 month 1 day ago #1308718620

Maybe a dumb question but if it were filler than why does wrapping it make it go away temporarily?
I suggested he try wrapping it and leaving it more wrapped than unwrapped with hope that the body eventually catches up in the healing process. Obviously that's not going to work if that's filler. Is the wrapping process simply squeezing fluid out of the filler so that it has a flat appearance, and the second it's unwrapped it starts reabsorbing liquid? My understanding is fluid absorption is part of how HA adds volume.
Or is it still possible that this is edema?

I guess there's no real great answer one can give online, a doctor has to look at it. But considering it's basically free to keep it wrapped, is that a valid solution if this is in fact edema?

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Last edit: by itgoesthud.

Circ scar swelling 1 month 1 day ago #1308718626

Maybe a dumb question but if it were filler than why does wrapping it make it go away temporarily?
I suggested he try wrapping it and leaving it more wrapped than unwrapped with hope that the body eventually catches up in the healing process. Obviously that's not going to work if that's filler. Is the wrapping process simply squeezing fluid out of the filler so that it has a flat appearance, and the second it's unwrapped it starts reabsorbing liquid? My understanding is fluid absorption is part of how HA adds volume.
Or is it still possible that this is edema?

I guess there's no real great answer one can give online, a doctor has to look at it. But considering it's basically free to keep it wrapped, is that a valid solution if this is in fact edema?

It most likely is not edema. The wrapping is essentially just redistributing and/or keeping the filler in place. Then once he removes the wrapping, gravity kicks back in and the filler migrates and gets stuck again under the circ scar.

There is some inflammation just after injection, but there really shouldn't be so much swelling that it's causing this appearance. If it is edema, it will go away after a few days of keeping it wrapped. However, it sounds like that has not been the case for these gentlemen.

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Circ scar swelling 4 weeks 1 day ago #1308718681

Oh wow, this is fascinating to read. Albeit a bit confusing.

I’m going to go see my doctor in half an hour for a follow up since he has returned from vacation.

So as I can tell there are currently two theories here

1) lymph node draining
2) filler migrating and getting stuck under Circ scar

I was under the assumption that filler doesn’t really move this much this many weeks after a procedure. Am I incorrect about this?

I have been keeping it wrapped for most of the past two weeks.

This is what it looked like about 3-4 weeks ago:

This is what it looked like yesterday right after I took the compression off:

And this is what it looks like now, after about 18 hours without compression (since I want the doctor to see the issue):

Compared to three weeks ago it does seem slightly better to me? But that being said I don’t know if it won’t get worse after more time and after sexual intercourse. I noticed before that mastrubation or touch, for example makes it worse.
  • HA dermal fillers comparison.jpg

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Last edit: by CuriousFiller.

Circ scar swelling 4 weeks 1 day ago #1308718682

Dickwhitman79 wrote: No redness or pain. It’s just extremely “puffy” throughout certain times of the day and following sex or masturbation.

It seems @Dickwhitman79 has a similar issue with it getting more irritated from masturbation. Does this help at all with figuring out between lymph node vs filled migration?

@Rejuvall maybe the doctor has additional thoughts on this?

Is there any way for a doctor to find out for sure if it is filler or lymph node drainage? Like what exam would he have to do to find out?

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