Performing procedures on a fully
Erect penis is significantly more challenging compared to a semi-
Erect (ideal) or
Flaccid state.
Inserting the cannula, navigating through the areolar space, and covering most areas of the shaft necessitates bending, twisting, and folding the penis to allow for the implant. However, a fully
Erect penis is inflexible and difficult to manipulate; the areolar space becomes quite restricted, and entry points are more susceptible to bleeding.
Avanti Derma, we prefer to work on a partially engorged, semi-
Erect penis. Unfortunately, achieving and maintaining a semi-
Erect state during procedures can be difficult due to stress, pain, and other factors unless erectile-facilitating drugs are administered, which then introduces the issue of excessive rigidity.
In my personal opinion, the pre-injection of erectile drugs is more a gimmick than a genuine aide.
DrC @
Avanti Derma