You can absolutely receive Pshot or stem cells injected into the shaft within 1 month of receiving
You should do some more research because umbilical cord derived stem cells are way more effective than fat derived, not to mention the fat derived process involves a small liposuction procedure because they need to extract your own fat and then process it. Umbilical cord, derive stem cells come from the newborn infant and is more pure versus stem cells from an adult, which have been exposed to a lifetime of exposure to chemicals, pollution, stress, alcohol, or anything that could negatively affect your body. Even compared to bone marrow derived umbilical cord, derived stem cells are absolutely superior and this has been shown in literature..better yet umbilical cord derived stem cells do not require a more invasive procedure for harvesting your fat or bone marrow, which is even a better reason to choose that source. Better yet combining stem cells with exosomes at the same time can get yield a very great result if someone is looking for a solution for their ED and improving sensation.
Dr. TJ
Ageless MD