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Sorry to hijack your post but what is PT-141? I googled it and they call it the “female viagra”? If so how will that help you? Also, it looks like pills but you mention injecting it? Would you mind explaining what it is? Thanks.. | |
Last edit: by 123abc. The topic has been locked. |
123abc: PT 141 is a peptide that's actually been around since the 1960's. It has FDA approval for women who are pre-menopause actually. I would encourage you to Youtube it because there is a ton of data and pod casts on the subject. But long story short, this peptide will give men an Erection without having to be stimulated. It also makes you horny and is designed to help with both men and women's libidos. Male Erection and libido is actually an off label use but it is nontheless prescribed by physicians who specialize in men and women's sexual health and function. I'm going to try it as an aftercare alternative to mitigate retraction/Turtling etc. I'm a very very small guy and I shrink to a marble so it's important that I keep myself semi elongated throughout the aftercare process. I learned this after my first round of Bellafil. Everyone's anatomy is different so the peptide might not be for everyone. The best way is to inject it in the abdomen. It sounds scary, but it's very easy. You use an insulin needle. It is prescription and it comes from a compound pharmacy. I learned all of this from scratch. But Youtube it and you'll decide if this is something you want to try. I've used it once as a test case last week and it performed as advertised. | |
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| Think I'm the one who made the mistake of starting the PT141 hijack. I did so based on my trouble getting an Erection after 15ml HA filler injection (volux) a couple years back even on 100mg sildenafil, and the tolerable but wonky aesthetics that resulted. It's a peptide that gives you wood via desire rather than blood flow. They make nasal spray and injectable, the former is pretty worthless. Big pharma produces it as "vyleesi" for women, but various compounding pharmacies produce it as both nasal spray and injectable for men and women alike. It's fun stuff - whether or not it's a good idea for post procedure, I would surmise it depends on your reaction to it. For me personally, you pin it, about 15m later you get a flush and some nausea that resembles butterflies, about an hour later you get a "tickle", 2-3 hours later you get a boner that won't go away, and an uncontrollable need to kegel; you don't even have to be thinking about sex, it's this...compulsion to kegel, flex your donger, etc. For women it makes practically every touch turn into a contraction, and they have that same compulsion to have something "in there" they can clamp down on. Within the context of aftercare, I brought it up because even on 20mg tadalafil or 100mg sildenafil, I'm able to go completely Flaccid - I can generally perform when i want to perform (thanks TRT!), but if I'm not in the mood, I'll go limp, Flaccid, and retract into my tiny nubbin self. I'm a pretty extreme Grower, I might walk around so small it looks like I'm uncircumcised, 2" on a bad day, but a typical Erection I'm a frog's hair over 7, a drywall wrecker and I can get to 7.75. My understanding with PMMA is this is about the worst possible thing that could happen, and how you get a bad result. And with it already being difficult to get an Erection after filler, while you're in pain, I personally need every advantage I can get. With PT141, I'm mostly 100% peak Erection, but if I really work at it I can get down to 75% - like, this stuff is so powerful I have trouble folding it down to sit down and drop a deuce on a normal sized toilet, I have to sit and really focus to get it down to 60% so I can point it in the bowl. When we've had our fun I'm up all night with wood, only barely going down just enough to not cause damage, and if I pin the PT141 at ~7PM before a dinner date, I'm in that 75%-100% cycle until about noon the next day. After that it's still really easy to get an Erection for the next ~24 hours, but it's not involuntary like it is the first 18ish hours. For me, I feel like this would be good to get me through that window where we're waiting for the filler to set up. ...but it might NOT be someone else's reaction to it, they might have different timelines, different dosage requirements, etc. I have much less experience with PE than most, I can't talk as an SME there, but I can speak to PT141 - don't take it if your ticker sucks, dont take it if you're on a ton of psychotropic medication, ask doctors, etc etc etc. If you DO take it for this purpose, my advice: -your reaction to it is, curiously, much weaker if you haven't slept well. The brain is weird -it's an experimental peptide that acts on the brain. This is definitely NOT something I'd pick up and use untested just because me or someone else mentions it on a forum. I have a boatload of experience with it, and I still came here and posed the question on aftercare because it may or may not be useful or even good for someone to use post filler injection. -test it out at least once, at least a full month before your procedure. You get diminishing returns with each dose if you use it too frequently, I'd wait a month between dosings if you want the full effect. I'd say multiple months ideally, so you can get an idea of what dose makes sense. I think the idea of going into a procedure planning to use it for aftercare and having NOT tested it out yourself is absurd and a recipe for disaster. For me, I've gone as low as 1mg and as high as 4mg. I know where in that range makes sense for me for this purpose, but my experience will not be others. It could either be absolute gold for aftercare, or a disaster. I don't think anyone has tested it, there are theories around it, but that's about it. (sorry for the long post lads, hopefully this isn't TOO far a deviation from the topic at hand?) |
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Thank you both for your reply and the mod for creating a PT-141 thread.. great idea! I’m absolutely blown away I’ve never even heard of this? I take it this isn’t something one can buy at Walgreens, right? I looked on HIMS website and didn’t see that as an option? Also, if I understand this drug - stimulation isn’t even required to get an Erection? So does that mean the Erection is sort of for looks only? Or can you actually perform? Frankly it sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? I’m surprised I haven’t received tons of email adverts for it like we all get for viagra and other Dick pills.. Also, if the Erection won’t go away, isn’t that dangerous? I believe 4 hours is the max time your penile shaft can handle without damage to the penile tissue.. Am I wrong? | |
Last edit: by 123abc. The topic has been locked. |
There are telemedicine providers who will prescribe it. Compounding pharmacies make it. Beyond that the only people offering these peptides do so with the caveat that is a research chemical not intended for human consumption. If you were a woman prescribed Vyleesi you may well be able to. pick it up at Walgreens, but it hasn't been approved for men for ED. It is a dopamine agonist and prolactin inhibitor. So it makes you turned on and craving to just...be in something, even without physically touching your junk. It also gives you a strange impulse to stretch and yawn, really weird side effect that one. After you get off a few times you may actually need stimulation to get going, but I remember taking it once without telling my girlfriend and she fell asleep, and I was up all night with a painful erection trying to mind-over-matter it down. I was genuinely scared this was an ER thing, finally beat off enough to get it to go away. And no, it's a real deal erection. You absolutely can perform with it. And perform again, and again, and again, and if you do it with your significant other, she'll be craving it the same way - she'll be sore and tender and oversensitive after hours of frolicking, but still craving it. You're sitting there heaving in cardiovascular distress after hours of doing your worst, now with a full sized but soft schlong too limp for penetration, she's got the hitachi wand out. As for the 4 hour thing - this stuff does let you go down just enough to avoid damage. Barely. I can imagine dudes doing too high a dose combined with a PDE5 inhibitor and ending up with priapism and needing a phenylephrine shot to the junk in the ER. The 4 hour thing is a guideline, but it's our dicks, so that's a guideline I'd follow. If you get off, you will go down to basically a really large semi until the desire overwhelms what little prolactin is there doing its job. The more times you get off, the easier it is to go flaccid. IF someone had infinite time I'd tell them to titer up from 1mg dosing in .5mg increments, waiting 4 weeks in between, ideally maxing at 2mg. I've gone over this, but this shouldn't be necessary, and anyone who does so is just asking for priapism. 4mg was pretty scary. I think it's not as popular because nasal delivery just sucks (as in it's inconsistent at best, ineffective at worst), and most people don't want to stick themselves with needles (this is a subcutaneous shot, like an insulin jab). There's also not a ton of research on it, it's probably not safe to use except for a special occasion (I'd like to go after it at least a few times a week, and this is not suitable for that - this is more of a "date night" thing). Dopamine agonists can also be no joke deadly, depending on how they're used and the dosing - look up some of the cardiovascular complications of cabergoline and you'll see what I mean. Long term use of cabergoline will absolutely wreck your ![]() If you use this as an ED drug no more than once a month it's probably fine in my non-doctor opinion, and my opinion alone. Likewise for women as a libido drug. But it can cause serious drama if misused. You're also not going to see adverts from something that can't be patented trivially. If i were to hazard a guess "Vyleesi" is some kind of simplistic auto-injector, and that's how it's a drug and not an ordinary peptide. This also hasn't been readily available for all that long. As for me - girlfriend and I play with it for funsies maybe once a month, and we both hurt for days after. But because it gives you a Caverject quality erection that won't go away for any rhyme or reason, in the case of someone like me who retracts heavily and can't get hard right after a filler injection, it could be the difference between a crap result and a masterpiece. |
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Thanks for the thorough explanation.. greatly appreciated.. One last question - what are “ telemedicine providers”? I live in the US, can you point me in the right direction? The only pharmacies I’ve ever used is Walgreens and CVS so I’m not sure how to reach out to those telemedicine providers? I’d love to at least try it out.. …and I’ll keep doing more research on it.. just fascinating.. This “compulsion to kegel” is especially strange but I guess it just wakes up any and all nerve endings in the area? | |
Last edit: by 123abc. The topic has been locked. |
You mentioned Hims, while they don't carry this, that's an example of a telemedicine provider. You basically login, verify identity, chat with a doctor, nurse practitioner, whatever, online, and they send off a script. Some have the option to have a doctor call you, but I've always done chat, and do most of my healthcare stuff online. Using the example of TRT, you'll create an account, verify identity with photos of your ID, someone does an initial consult via phone, they send off lab orders. Then based upon your bloodwork they prescribe your dosing, and then a local compounding pharmacy either sends testosterone to your door, or, you can pick it up in person from the compounding pharmacy many times. The whole thing is done remotely, hence "telemedicine". I will avoid discussing specific sources openly, the requisite google is "get pt141 prescription online". Obviously some of the hits will be irrelevant, the ones that aren't irrelevant I'd research the sources (i.e. search for the company on reddit or similar to see what others say). The cost per dose is another reason it's probably not as popular, whereas I can get a 2 months worth of 10mg generic tadalafil for 50 cents a pop, plus a refill, for like...40 bucks of a telemedicine visit? Way cheaper than PT141. I do think PT141 is powerful enough that some of these docs might look into it as a post-filler tool. Patient gets ready to leave, you give them a jab in the love handle, 1-3 hours they're fully or semi Erect whether or not they want to be, and they can have a nice hard backdrop to push against while they're molding their filler. Especially for mega retractors. |
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Hi, I’m at Avanti Derma and i just had my first fill of permanent PMMA. I had reached out to @Skeptical_One about starting a new thread but I have not heard back. @Texas can you help me kick off my experience? I’ve taken a few pictures and will report the experience thus far. Please let me know if you need anything from me. Attachments:
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I'm terribly sorry for the delay in getting back to you, my Private Message (PM) inbox can get inundated quite quickly and despite my recent replies on the forum, I've been in the process of moving (which is now mostly complete). As for creating a forum thread: all you have to do is be logged in, and regardless of whether you use Mobile or PC, visit the Progress Report Section and click on the "New Topic" link which you'll find just above the most recent topics. There you can begin posting. Just before you hit the SUBMT button, you'll see a small box that reads "Attachments" just above it and you can use this to upload these photos. Sometimes it takes 10-15 seconds to see them show up, so please be patient before submitting. If you continue to have any issues, email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. instead, I tend to get to those faster than my PM Inbox. On a side note, I'm locking this thread because I can't to figure out what mis-click I did to separate it from the original AFTERARE thread made by Texas. If anyone wishes to continue that topic, it's found here --> AFTERCARE (Original) 123abc can create a new topic on PT-141 and Odouble can create his new Progress Report in the appropriate categories, thanks! ![]() |
Last edit: by Skeptical_One. The topic has been locked. |