Yeah, there really wasn’t a whole lot of information back then.. I remember when I showed up for my ligament /
FFT surgery in Chicago.. that must’ve been mid or late 90s? (I’m mid 50s now. Possibly one of the oldest members of your message board?)
Man, I can’t even remember the doctor’s name or what year I had the procedure?! I was so busy with back then.
..but before the surgery a good looking nurse showed up to shave me which of course caused a reaction.. I was in my late 20s then..
Then another attractive female showed up, unbeknownst to me she was actually a doctor and her only job was to dissuade me from having my surgery, basically telling me it was a bad idea?!
She didn’t work for the doctor but for the Illinois health department.. I was sooo confused because she kept grabbing my
Dick basically telling me “look, you’re perfectly normal, you’re above average, why are you even here?!? What are you thinking? Do you know how dangerous this is? What if this happens, what if that happens”.. etc., etc.. She was pretty aggressive with her spiel and got me very uncomfortable..
I did not know this was some kind of requirement of the Illinois health care board to try to dissuade
Phalloplasty patients from having selective surgeries.. I’ve never lived in Chicago. This was actually my first visit to Illinois..
The doctor told me he was glad I didn’t change my mind. He said quite a few patients would back out at the last minute.
In hindsight, I probably should’ve listened to her BUT I didn’t know..
By the way, found info about the surgery in a magazine, I wanna say men’s health but I’m not sure..
Internet was already around but I’d never used it at that point..
Man how things have changed with the instantaneous access to information..
Having said that - humanity is in for a never ending pursuit of perfection.
If any of you have ever watched the series “Altered Carbon” or anything in similar sci-fi-we-r-almost-there genre - I believe that’s what the future will look like.
Custom boobs, custom dicks, custom vaginas, etc., etc..
Heck, you can already increase your height by 3-5 inches if you’re willing to spend the money and put up with pain for ~6 months..
Recently I was with a lady who’s multi-orgasmic.. my first experience of that..well, a few had told me that had a couple of orgasms but I didn’t believe them because they’d just start to shiver and then got quiet all of a sudden.
I’m still thick just “uneven” because of some lumpiness. ..and it wasn’t anything I did.
Later she told me that she had a procedure to make her g-spot more protruding.. had like 5+ injections of some kind..
She’d literally come as soon as I was inside of her and touching her g-spot area.. (had no idea, I was just enjoying being inside)..
…and there was no faking it.. instantaneous ultra-wetness and spasms.. bizarre to be honest but quite entertaining..
Anywhoo.. this is the future..
Men AND women will keep having surgeries making their organs bigger/tighter, longer/shallower, etc., etc.. never ending cycle of utopian, self-induced battle for perfection.. ..and I (and you all) are a part of it.
Yes, the future sounds promising but also absolutely terrifying..