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TOPIC: Abroad

mooregate andrology uk 2 years 5 months ago #1308708966

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hi im thinking about getting penis enlargement surgery next year at moorgate andrology in the uk (length & Girth) , has anyone here used them for this procedure? would be good to get some feedback on how good they are or not etc especially for length and Girth, thanks.

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mooregate andrology uk 2 years 5 months ago #1308708968

There are some sparse mentions of that Clinic on this forum, and I haven't kept up with them as of late to give you any pros & cons at present time. -- I'm not currently sure who their presiding physician is or if they have multiple doctors. Please report back if you find out. I also don't know what fillers they currently use, but I suspect it's likely Hyaluronic Acid (HA).

I have spoken to them about Sponsorship a while back but nothing advanced in that direction. I'm in talks with other potential European Sponsors as I'd like to expand competitive options for my readership. Currently, Androfill is our resident British Sponsor, and they happen to be the most experienced outfit in the U.K. They provide HA and Ellanse as options for girth enhancement.

If you do end up going with Moorgate, please do report back to us your findings.

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mooregate andrology uk 2 years 5 months ago #1308708971

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ok i will post updates on here but like i said it won't be till sometime late next year. They look professional enough but it's likely from patient-to-patient whether something goes tits up, im more concerned about cutting my ligament than anything it seems the gains maybe not worth the possible complications? the rest I'm comfortable with, I've just bought a penimaster pro to use in the mean time if i see decent gains off that i might just get the Girth procedure HA fat transfer.

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mooregate andrology uk 2 years 5 months ago #1308708987

I have asked about Moorgate a few times on this forum but never really got anything back. Francis from Androfill said they had picked their game up in a previous thread. Hard to find reviews and reports other than from their website, which is never the most reliable. Will you have a consultation soon?

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mooregate andrology uk 2 years 5 months ago #1308708988

jay1 wrote: ok i will post updates on here but like i said it won't be till sometime late next year. They look professional enough but it's likely from patient-to-patient whether something goes tits up, im more concerned about cutting my ligament than anything it seems the gains maybe not worth the possible complications? the rest I'm comfortable with, I've just bought a penimaster pro to use in the mean time if i see decent gains off that i might just get the Girth procedure HA fat transfer.

I had ligament cut done 10 weeks ago, but I have not been able to stretch due to having developed Phimosis (inability to pull back the Foreskin), however after reading very much about ligament cut I would say: don't do it! The way I see it there are three scenarios:

1. You get no gains at all
2. You do get gains but it is not impressive and only in Flaccid state
3. You get one of the supposedly rare complications like changed Erection angle, or worse yet... loss of penile stability

The loss of Erection angle does not seem uncommon: 10-15 degrees, from what I read. My surgeon said 15 degrees is possible, but he emphasized the difference will be "very small". However, it seems a lot of people had no change at all in Erection angle, based on what many people wrote on the forum.

Even more scary is the loss of penile stability, but it seems much more rare. It keeps being mentioned, but the source seems to be some very old research articles, and many surgeons since then commented that they have not experienced it. My surgeon only said that it might be harder for a woman to be on top (or guy for those who prefer that); meaning it is probably not unheard of, but that he admitted it is probably a sign that it is either very rare or very minor.

Anyway, I am quite worried I might have one of these complications, but I cannot "test" the penis properly at the moment, due to the Phimosis. I just think, why worry about these complications when the possible gains are so minor for most? And besides, I remember reading on the Androfill website that it is not a procedure that they recommend, but I do believe that they offer it. It seems a good idea to start out with Hyaluronic Acid. I wish I had gone down that route before trying permanent options.

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mooregate andrology uk 2 years 5 months ago #1308708995

To be frank, ligamentolysis (lengthening) procedures are not all created equal, nor are the performing physicians. In recent years I've become more of a believer in the importance of the performing physician (experience, expertise, etc.) in the success of this procedure, as well as the patient's commitment to post-op stretching (as prescribed by the Doctor).

However @Screen2584 I disagree with the order of anticipated outcomes. I would revise them to say:
1. No gains at all.
2. Significant gains in the flaccid state whereas erect gains minimal.
3. Significant gains in both flaccid & erect states.

I have yet to see a substantiated claim of erection angle changing as a result of ligamentolysis and not something else like curvature as a result of penile injury caused through penile exercises. I even have a very experienced Plastic Surgeon tell me outright that the change in erection angle is a myth perpetuated by some old anecdote and its stuck since. I suppose you could argue the jury is still out on this one since your own Doctor seems to believe it, but I should mention all of this in contrast to your claim.

This all said, I'll be quite frank -- given the uncertainty of outcome, only guys who REALLY could use the length (i.e. under 5inches erect) will find themselves having the best cost-benefit here. If you are of average or above-average length, you'll find your investment having diminishing returns. That said, I won't judge you for your decision(s) but be mindful that an extra inch for a 7-incher is no where near as impactful (or cost-effective for per-volume-gained) as an extra inch for a 4-incher. Food for thought.

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mooregate andrology uk 2 years 5 months ago #1308708998

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I've already had a consultation back in March and that was with dr Gerasimos Fragkoulis (Urologist), i think he was Greek i can't quite remember? his English was very good i had no qualms about him tbh even though i would Ov liked an English Urologist, he answered all my questions and was very professional about it all, they leave no stones unturned, he didn't sound like he was pushing me into it and explained possible complications as well which was reassuring at the time you don't want someone who acts like things can't go wrong when you know the can, also realistic about the possible Erect angle changes and final results.
If id of had the money at the time of the consultation i would of went through with the op shortly afterwards but it was just too much to fork out were talking £7000 to £8000 for length and Girth surgery with them i even heard it's gone up since then but haven't checked. All in all, they were very convincing but it all comes down to... is it worth the risk? i don't know how i would cope if i was one of the unlucky ones? never mind being 8 grand out of pocket! I don't actually have a small penis it's just average but that's what i don't like tbh its not impressive at all it just looks average and possibly a little bit on the skinny side, to me anyway, I've never had any comments of girls saying its big but i have had one or two saying it's slightly on the small side for them, i know it's not all about size but we all know it bloody helps lol...... I think i will go ahead with the Girth surgery but like i said in another post I'm still on the fence about cutting the ligament, i will be making a decision on that after a year of using a penimaster pro, i'll keep people posted on how i get on.

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mooregate andrology uk 2 years 5 months ago #1308708999

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I've done some digging on when i had a consultation over zoom with the Urologist at Moorgate andrology and he was called dr Gerasimos Fragkoulis , that's who would of been doing my surgery if i went ahead with it, I'm sure he was greek but can't remember it was back in march? he was at the Preston clinic not the London one.

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mooregate andrology uk 2 years 5 months ago #1308709021

jay1 wrote: I've done some digging on when i had a consultation over zoom with the Urologist at Moorgate andrology and he was called dr Gerasimos Fragkoulis , that's who would of been doing my surgery if i went ahead with it, I'm sure he was greek but can't remember it was back in march? he was at the Preston clinic not the London one.

It seems that there are actually a lot of experienced surgeons in penile enlargement in Greece, because I saw more than a few websites of clinics, and even some published studies by Greek surgeons. 

If you live in the UK, it might make a lot of sense to do the procedure there, but I imagine it might be much cheaper in Greece to do the procedure with the same surgeon even? 

Otherwise I saw there are some clinics in Spain too that claim to be very experienced, and I imagine it might be much cheaper than in the UK too.

I also saw that there are surgeons used by clinics in the UK that are from Serbia, and it might be one other option to consider to go there. 

It is much better to do the procedure where you live, but if you need to travel far anyhow, it might not matter if it is a few hours by train or a few hour flight to a nearby country.

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mooregate andrology uk 2 years 5 months ago #1308709025

Screen2584 wrote:

jay1 wrote: I've done some digging on when i had a consultation over zoom with the Urologist at Moorgate andrology and he was called dr Gerasimos Fragkoulis , that's who would of been doing my surgery if i went ahead with it, I'm sure he was greek but can't remember it was back in march? he was at the Preston clinic not the London one.

It seems that there are actually a lot of experienced surgeons in penile enlargement in Greece, because I saw more than a few websites of clinics, and even some published studies by Greek surgeons. 

If you live in the UK, it might make a lot of sense to do the procedure there, but I imagine it might be much cheaper in Greece to do the procedure with the same surgeon even? 

Otherwise I saw there are some clinics in Spain too that claim to be very experienced, and I imagine it might be much cheaper than in the UK too.

I also saw that there are surgeons used by clinics in the UK that are from Serbia, and it might be one other option to consider to go there. 

It is much better to do the procedure where you live, but if you need to travel far anyhow, it might not matter if it is a few hours by train or a few hour flight to a nearby country.

Honestly, we live in an age where there are in-fact vetted practitioners and it isn't like it was 10+ years ago where men simply had to take a gamble. When it comes to your one & only penis, finding a "cheaper" alternative for the sake of being cheaper is a bit cavalier, if not reckless.

There was a Doctor in Prague offering PMMA, and so this saved many Europeans a trip to North America. This Doctor was untested and ultimately proved to be too inconsistent and unsatisfactory in the long run. The advantages of cost and travel proved short-sighted for many of those men.

Don't get me wrong, I'm always encouraging Sponsors to provide deals to my readership (examples: Dr. Tsay Summer Special, Upsize Clinic HA Special, and Androfill 5% Off for PhalloBoards Members) which are available from time to time. However, your budget should be one of many factors in your decision-making, there is too much at stake to be cutting corners. Besides, this is an elective endeavor for most, so being financially prudent & prepared should come with the territory.

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Abroad 2 years 5 months ago #1308709026

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Yeh i wouldnt go abroad for this its way way too risky , imagine how you would feel if it went wrong in another country and you couldnt get any aftercare etc, its not worth the hassle to save a few grand. I will be going with mooregate in england probably , its a shame there isnt more info about them on here or stuff from ppl who have used them, it does make me wonder because on the website its full of good reviews but ya can't trust them to be genuine.

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Abroad 2 years 5 months ago #1308709027

jay1 wrote: Yeh i wouldnt go abroad for this its way way too risky , imagine how you would feel if it went wrong in another country and you couldnt get any aftercare etc, its not worth the hassle to save a few grand. I will be going with mooregate in england probably , its a shame there isnt more info about them on here or stuff from ppl who have used them, it does make me wonder because on the website its full of good reviews but ya can't trust them to be genuine.

They seemed all over the place years ago but from some recent sources I've been told they've improved in some areas. I'm sure they can be serviceable if you are looking for HA enhancement and I would love to hear that they've made strides in quality, since competition breeds innovation. There are few competitors to Androfill in the U.K., and in my eyes they remain the premier U.K. Clinic, but it's only a matter of time till some viable competition comes their way.

If you choose to go with Mooregate, perhaps you can do them a service and report back to us, regardless of whether it was a positive or negative experience. Also ask them their thoughts on the PhalloBoards platform & community, I have too many European readers who would like to see more vetted options come to the table.

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