I have looked at numerous websites and looked at may post here. Is there anyone who is uncut and had a fat transfer? Some doctors require
Circumcision and other do not. My doctor does not.
I want some feedback from those who have had a fat transfer please. Does the fat feel soft all the time? Does the fat make the veins more visible? I’m currently 5.5 in length and 5
Girth. I’m wanting to be 6.5 in
Girth. Does it make your penis appear shorter? Does the
Foreskin have problems retracting? I currently have lots of
Foreskin. I’m older and really don’t want to be
Circumcised at my age. Can fat be removed if you don’t like it? How much fat is lost after a few months. Like if I get it and I’m 6.5 in
Girth after the swelling goes down will I keep the 6.5 or will it go to 6?
Any additional information would be appreciated greatly!!
Thanks for reading my post!!