Hi there
The short answer is probably just 'wait'
In Round 1 after some swelling days on day 4 there was drastically less swelling and it was much more normal again.
Round 2 i had same swelling in foreskin area as now, actually worse, it began right at the start. On day3 it was already much better, after 10 days it was totally normal again.
Round 3 i guess i had no swelling in foreskin/frenulum area.
Possible prevention/handling:
- I used the esl stretcher in some rounds, and the head of that is a thing that grabs onto the head of penis, and when i wore it it totally prevented Foreskin swelling. (then at some point when i stopped esl it came)
- In last round i cut open the smalles babysock i could find in shop and put that around may glans and the swelling became much smaller oon after.. cannot 100% know if it was the babysock.
Now i am in search of something tighter, eg a flat hair-band -> ok, right now i like the biggest flattest esl-stretcher head piece the best
- Cooling / icing should be good? Did not try that yet, Need to buy something so i can do that
- I have an infrared light.. i wonder if it's helpful to use it in the pmma process.. or against the swelling
"Red light therapy is usually anti-inflammatory"
(i am on day 9 right now and have foreskin-swelling in the frenulum area: