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TOPIC: How much ellanse is to much in one rd?

How much ellanse is to much in one rd? 3 years 7 months ago #1308704218

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So I emailed avanti to schedule my 2nd rd of Ellanse with Dr. C. I was curious what's the most someone has heard of someone getting in one rd.that's realistic. I understand length can be the determining factor here. My initial measurements before 1st rd were around 6.5x4.5ish depending on eq. After rd 1 eg is around 5.25. I'm hoping to hit 6 with this 2nd rd but I realize that .75in gain after one rd is fortunate. I believe I had 10cc the first rd. I've seen people routinely get 12. I was wondering has anyone gone to 15cc and at what point is it diminishing returns. Is it the increased chance of lumps or is there a point that the penis at that length simply can't hold anymore?
My first round I injected bpc-157 in the pelvic fat pad to increase collagen synthesis. This time I'm going to use bpc-157, tb-500, collagen, and of course my usual workout supplements and vitamins. If anyone has any other supplements or peptides related to collagen production let me know. I'll research it and if it sounds good I'll try it. When I get my 2nd appointment set in stone I'll create a thread in the patient progress log and track everything I can with my OPINION on what helps and what doesn't.

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How much ellanse is to much in one rd? 3 years 7 months ago #1308704219

Hallo, I cannot help with a proper answer, just curious to follow your next progress log. Di you have one for the previous first treatment? It looks you gained quite a lot and wnated to know how's been your overall experience and results so far. I imagine it's already a big jump from 4,5 to 5.25, and based on your lenght I wonder if 6x6 wouldn't be too much in terms of proportions. Also do you really think 6" Girth is necessary?

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How much ellanse is to much in one rd? 3 years 7 months ago #1308704228

So there are a lot of topics regarding how much product to inject in the first round, and after years of moderating this forum, I can only stress the following:

Have reasonable expectations for your first round, EXPLAIN to your Doctor your goals, and defer to your Doctor for what he or she believes is the best amount of product to inject based on your goals & anatomy. Obviously, some Doctors charge per milliliter and this can also cap the most your practitioner will inject, so that should be addressed prior to the appointment as well.

In a nutshell, give your Doctor your desired expectation with Girth enhancement and rely on their expert recommendation.

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How much ellanse is to much in one rd? 3 years 7 months ago #1308704229

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This isn't my 1st round this would be my 2nd. I would definitely listen to Dr. C on his recommendations. I was just curious is the most somebody has had in one sitting been 12cc

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How much ellanse is to much in one rd? 3 years 7 months ago #1308704230

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Honestly no I don't believe 6in is necessary. But technically 5.25 isn't necessary either. Probably 99% of the people in this group have average size so it's not necessary to enlarge. It's for personal confidence. At 6in Girth I know my wife can handle it bc we've toys with that circumference. Also a 6.5x6 penis doesn't look like a block or anything. I believe a redbull can is supposed to be 5x6.5 and it looks fine.

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How much ellanse is to much in one rd? 3 years 7 months ago #1308704231

GirthyGoals wrote: This isn't my 1st round this would be my 2nd. I would definitely listen to Dr. C on his recommendations. I was just curious is the most somebody has had in one sitting been 12cc

My mistake, despite having read your post, the topic title read "one rd" and I misinterpreted it being your first round. That said, my recommendations remain the same :) Good luck.

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How much ellanse is to much in one rd? 3 years 7 months ago #1308704268

For my second rd I had 16ml of Ellanse injected and I gained considerably less than my first round of 12ml. Also, I developed a pretty wicked hard spot/Nodule after rd 2 on top center shaft about a quarter Inch below the circ scar. There was a mass of hard tissue and then a thin trail of hardness wrapping around to the underside of my shaft. Addressing it in rd 3 has helped a lot. From my personal experience, I wouldn’t get more than 12.

There’s a chance I have more Ellanse in me than anyone else in the world (based on phalloboard reports and Ian said I have the most for any of their patients). I’m currently at 39ml.

Rd1: 12ml sept 2020
Rd2: 16ml exactly 3 months later
Rd3: 11ml 5 months later

I went from 5-5.1mseg to currently at about 6.3mseg at the largest spot swelling to 6.45 during and after sex. I’m at 6.25 at the lowest point. I still have another month or two of growth. I’m about 6.9-7 BPEL and 35 years old.

The first two rounds I put 1ml in my inner skin and my inner skin did not react well. There was a Nodule at almost every entry point. I have sort of a moderate high cut.

The first round went great and I gained .65 in one spot and overall about .6 with more being gained at the base. I wanted to gain as much as I could in Rd2 to try and impress a lady. I only gained about .3 maybe .25. In rd 3 I’m currently at a .35 gain so each time I got less Ellanse I gained more.

I’m convinced there’s something going on immediately after treatment where it doesn’t matter what you do but your gains are pretty much set in forecast. In theory, that amount of carrier gel in rd 2 should have produced an immediate result greater than rd1 because the lift from the gel has nothing to do with collagen. That’s one of Sinclair’s selling points is that the gel gives instant lift and the collagen replaces it over the course of 3-4 months putting you at the same gain you started with. However, I noticed night two after my procedure that my Erect Girth was less than night two on my first trip. Even though I was less swollen than after rd 1, I was only measuring 6.35. So while still swollen a day after the procedure, I was measuring about a .7 Inch gain, what I wanted to end up with after healing. I knew at that point I wasn't going to come close to the expected gain. It’s my belief that your Dick can only hold so much. The collagen also needs rooms to grow but again, where was the gel after rd2? In rd3 I started oozing product out of entry points when I didn’t ooze product in the first two rounds. I’m going to try and start pumping in an attempt to loosen skin.

Each rd I’ve been consistent with maintaining the gains starting from about 2 and a half weeks after procedure or until your completely healed.

So to me it’s a mystery why the carrier gel didn’t provide that lift right off the bat. If it was more a collagen growth issue, I would have gotten a good gain right away but then it would have slowly decreased as the gel dissipated.

I was going off @dthoms luck of gaining about an Inch from 19ml (15ml and then 4 ml 3 or 4 days later) and the premise that we can get .5 from 10-12ml. I thought I’d get .6-.75 gain but to get .3 was kind of shocking.

For rd3 I was done with putting Ellanse in my inner skin. It just didn’t react well. Maybe because it was still so sensitive from just having a Circumcision 3 months before rd1. I don’t known for certain but I mean that skin had been protected by a moist sheath for 34 years and 3 months after I get cut I have someone poke holes in it. Pretty traumatic for that inner skin. The swelling and redness after the second round in my inertia skin was getting pretty worrisome. The redness was creeping up onto my glans and I was fairly concerned. It eventually went away.

As for the peptides. Like I said in another thread, for rd 2 I tried a cycle of tb500 and I was also on ghk-cu, bpc157 and cjc1295 + ipamorelin. For rd 3 I wasn’t on any of it. For each round I took a lot of vitamins and also collagen supplements. My diet and health for round 1 and 2 were similar (really good) whereas for rd 3 I’ve gone off the diet about 35%. I was enjoying the Grand’s room service for round 3 and the ice cream with a cheese burger and fries is pretty great. For rd 1 I was in bpc157 and started cjc1295
+ipamorein about a month after my procedure. Also, this whole time I’ve frequently been using sun lightens led wand both the sport and glow.

It’s all a mystery bro. Even the doctors putting this stuff into us can’t say why some gain more or less than others. The most we can bet on is smoking and age. And if you’re in really shit health that probably isn’t good either. They say stress can effect growth and I did have more stress in my life during rd 2 but I’m not sure how that effect the immediate gel result.

I’m going to visit Avanti annually from now on until I feel like stopping. So early next spring I might hit the big five-0, 50ml of Ellanse.

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Last edit: by Hyperbol.

How much ellanse is to much in one rd? 3 years 7 months ago #1308704271

Hi Hyperbol,
this is one of the most interesting post about Ellansè, thank you for sharing your detailed experience.
You're right when you say that there's till a lot to understand behinde this science.
I honestly thought, before reding your post, that Ellansè is a choice for those looking for a longer lasting filler, that in some way become permanent over time, and I also thought that less filler, and less top-ups, were needed to achieve your (amazing) results), because it should keep on growing after the injections.
You state that you plan to go to the clinic every year, so may I ask you why with such a plan/schedule did you choose Ellansè over HA?

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How much ellanse is to much in one rd? 3 years 7 months ago #1308704275

You’re right, saying I’m going back each year sounds odd. I’m only going back for full rounds though until I want to stop gaining mid shaft. If I gain .3 each round from here on out, two more rounds would put me at about 6.8-6.9 mid shaft. I would probably stop at that point from trying to gain mid shaft. Then there are touch ups, working on low spots and potentially building the base some more. So, only for the foreseeable future, not every year for the rest of my life.

I chose Ellanse over PMMA because I did want to test the limits of gains and not have to worry about it permanently being in there. I do think I will try to have to loosen the skin though to get what I want. I chose Ellanse over HA because of the firmness and because it lasts longer.

Let’s say I go back twice in the spring over the next two years. That fifth rd will be about four months before I hit 3 years on my first rd. If the PCL in Ellanse L is lasting at least 4 years, maybe 5, and the collagen sticks around for let’s say 7 years after that, I won’t have to get a full round after that fifth for maybe another 9 years. Then after that, how fast the gains from the other rounds go away determines rounds after that.

I might do two more full rounds in the next two years. After that, I might go back each year to top up some low spots and work on some areas. Just because I reach 6.8-6.9 in one spot mid shaft, there may be areas that are 6.6-6.7. Like I said, I get the baseball bat effect a little. Although I’d say the tight skin preventing settling is more just before the base. I can see me going back to work on this area and the base itself.

I’m also seeing this as somewhat of a hobby. A bigger Dick makes me happier and Traveling to Tijuana to work on something that gives me more confidence is fun. It’s like I’m sculpting something. It’s also rare that I do something only I’m aware of. I’ve told no one but you guys and that kind of makes it exciting. And I tip the driver a little more to stop at one of the pot shops right next to the airport so I can stock up on edibles before flying back.

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Last edit: by Hyperbol.

How much ellanse is to much in one rd? 3 years 7 months ago #1308704278

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Thanks this was extremely helpful. I'm going to go with 12ml. I agree with you that you'd think 16ml would produce a better result. I guess it's one of those diminishing results things. Your penis may only be able to handle so much at one time. I'll still use the bpc-157, tb-500, collagen, my normal workout vitamins, and try and make sure my diet is collagen friendly. Regardless of if it helps anything that I can do to put my body in a collagen producing friendly atmosphere I will. It also may come down to simple genetic factors. Some people's bodies may produce collagen better than others.

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How much ellanse is to much in one rd? 3 years 4 months ago #1308705261

I have only had 29 ml total. In my first round I had 19 as I was very long and went from 5.5 to about 6.5. Then I had 4 and some Kenalog to remove bumps--no change in width. Then I had 6 to even out and I went to 7 which has since increased to 7.25. After sex it can really swell up and reach 7.5 or more. I don't understand why. It is a little spongy though.

Based on my experience I wouldn't go more than 12 at a time. But there really is no way of telling I was told by Dr. C.
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