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TOPIC: HA Problem

HA Problem 3 years 8 months ago #1308703741

Posting this to see if I'm alone in the duration of problems I've been having with the H.A fillers and to maybe get some advice. I started trying this in late 2017 and frankly have had nothing but dreadful results. The doctor at the London clinic started doing it with the needle, I had squishy lumpy results, this went on for a while until in 2018 they told me of the new technique they had of using the cannula which would be better for someone like me who has light skin. This initially seemed better, the clinic dissolved the first lot and give me 8ml free to try with the cannula. I gotta be upfront and say that I am probably significantly under average, so this is not simply just a booster for an average size but something I need to boost confidence which makes it harder to give up and which is why I have been so persistent as calling it quits now would be too depressing.

Anyway we did 5ml with the cannula and it initially seemed better but I found it hard to taper towards the head so I was left with a sudden dip which looked like it had shoulders towards the head. Trying to correct this with a ml or 2 left me with a palpable lump that couldn't be smoothed out. Over the course of the next 8 months or so trying to correct parts like this and the base which felt soft, I did a lot of filler in small doses 2ml or so here and there. I think this may be part of the problem, I have never done more than 5ml at a time and most of it was small touch ups of 2ml or so, I wonder could it be that with the swelling small amounts are harder to even out as it is difficult to find the filler when it is a small amount. What I was left with was a squishy lumpy penis, I stopped having any filler in 2019, was going to address it in early 2020 and then the pandemic hit so just decided to ride it out and let it go away naturally, it didn't.. I still have filler from December 2018.

I have been slowly dissolving it with a doctor up north who is much more approachable and takes more time in explaining things. I say slowly because it takes a hell of a long time to dissolve, between starting to dissolve it in early 2020 with the doc in London and now with him I must have had 5 sessions of dissolving and it's still not gone, my last appointment got some of it but it didn't help with the squishiness in fact it's more squishy now, the squishiness makes it difficult to even grab hold of the shaft and as a result it affects Erection quality in a big way.

I purchased 8ml from the clinic before lockdown which I have yet to use. My hopes are that perhaps doing one relatively large amount of 8 or 10 ml will be much easier to mould and even out, it' something I've not tried before which is the only thing that makes me open to it as there's no point in approaching it how I did previously and expecting different results. Perhaps I will have better luck with this new doc also.

Ellanse is another option I guess and from reports it's better at avoiding the softness but with the nightmare experience I've had I'm a bit weary in case it goes wrong. Anyway sorry for the long winded post but it's been a very long winded journey with this, if anyone has had similar experiences and can chip in that's great.

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HA Problem 3 years 8 months ago #1308703745

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Whats your length and circumference?

How's your sex life?

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HA Problem 3 years 8 months ago #1308703746

I'm sorry to hear your results weren't satisfactory but without photos, I'd prefer we be mindful of hyperbole, especially with terms like "horror" (the original title of this thread). Are you familiar with the history of Phalloplasty(?), because I can show you what true "horrors" look like. Heck, you yourself said in a separate post: "The aesthetic thing is partly my own fault because I didn\'t massage it hard enough in the first week, I thought I was but clearly not, it was also hard to judge with the swelling which I mistook for smoothness." I don't think it was necessarily your fault, but that all fillers have an element of unpredictability, and short of looking like "Sloth from the Goonies", it comes with the territory.

Here you have a filler that hasn't posed any adverse reactions, nor any life-altering complications; for someone who is admittedly under-average, what I believe is going on is high expectations and disappointing results. If you are accustomed to reading posts on this forum with 2 Inch gains, you're setting yourself up for dissatisfaction when dealing with the volumes of HA you've had injected.

I've decided to change your topic title as I believe it does a disservice to the filler with the best safety profile, and a disservice to readers who may not otherwise know the context of "horrors" in Phalloplasty. Also, for someone admittedly under-average, I'm rather shocked that even a marginal increase in Girth isn't mind-blowing (it was for me); makes me wonder if maybe Phalloplasty isn't the best solution in your situation -- as in I don't think I'd recommend Ellanse in your case.

Good luck either way.

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HA Problem 3 years 8 months ago #1308703747

Skeptical_One wrote: I'm sorry to hear your results weren't satisfactory but without photos, I'd prefer we be mindful of hyperbole, especially with terms like "horror" (the original title of this thread). Are you familiar with the history of Phalloplasty(?), because I can show you what true "horrors" look like. Heck, you yourself said in a separate post: "The aesthetic thing is partly my own fault because I didn\'t massage it hard enough in the first week, I thought I was but clearly not, it was also hard to judge with the swelling which I mistook for smoothness." I don't think it was necessarily your fault, but that all fillers have an element of unpredictability, and short of looking like "Sloth from the Goonies", it comes with the territory.

Here you have a filler that hasn't posed any adverse reactions, nor any life-altering complications; for someone who is admittedly under-average, what I believe is going on is high expectations and disappointing results. If you are accustomed to reading posts on this forum with 2 Inch gains, you're setting yourself up for dissatisfaction when dealing with the volumes of HA you've had injected.

I've decided to change your topic title as I believe it does a disservice to the filler with the best safety profile, and a disservice to readers who may not otherwise know the context of "horrors" in Phalloplasty. Also, for someone admittedly under-average, I'm rather shocked that even a marginal increase in Girth isn't mind-blowing (it was for me); makes me wonder if maybe Phalloplasty isn't the best solution in your situation -- as in I don't think I'd recommend Ellanse in your case.

Good luck either way.

I hear what you're saying about the hyperbole and apologise for the title then, I'm just sharing my experience with it and I've made sure not to call out the clinic or point any fingers in that respect as they are still working with me to get it right. I don't agree with the rest of your post about it being my expectations, I didn't mention my problem being disappointed in the increase in size at any stage but as you have mentioned it there is no real increase in size other than when Flaccid, when Erect any supposed size increase just seems like padding with loose skin and a few lumps. It looking bigger when Flaccid is literally the only benefit I have had from it, the cons have much outweighed any benefit. The cons have very much been life altering for me, a sex life is completely off the cards unless I try to present something that looks and feels bizarre and is so soft and squishy even when Erect that I can't even get a condom on. Also erections have really got much weaker, I believe or at least hope this is simply due to the fact that it is hard to get a hold of and all the padding has greatly reduced the sensitivity. I know that getting emotional on here is no help to anyone so again I apologise and I understand what you're saying about that it can be reversed so again horror was a poorly worded title (I just thought it had a nice ring to it and didn't consider the implications), although my worry is that I have somehow stretched the skin or tissue, right now I can't even grab hold of the shaft as all I am grabbing is what feels like sponge.

My post isn't even to go off on one against the product itself as many obviously have good results with it (although the more I read of the forum the past few days squishiness seems to be a very common problem with the HA which makes me wonder if I'm fighting a loosing battle), I feel though that aside from the hyperbole I used I should be able to express my personal experience and concerns with it on here. The previous comment of mine you quoted was from years ago I believe when we had been doing it with the needle, since I started using the cannula I had been going extremely hard with the moulding. My post was to try and understand where I'm going wrong with it (for e.g could I be right in my theory that doing very small amounts at a time is where the problem has come from?), again I'd like to stress that being unhappy with the lack of gains is not my issue, at this stage I will be over the moon with any size increase if I have a normal penis that feels Erect when it is Erect as I just want to get on with my life. I think the best description on here for what I'm probably dealing with is the accordion affect which results in the rest of it being squishy, perhaps Circumcision is something I should consider?

Thanks for your reply anyway.

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Last edit: by Snafu86.

HA Problem 3 years 8 months ago #1308703748

Also something you mentioned about low volumes of HA, I should have probably been clearer on this, since we started using the cannula I probably had around 20ml all in all (in small doses) so another thing I'm wondering is if I have had much too much done for my size.

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HA Problem 3 years 8 months ago #1308703749

I hope I did not come off as insensitive to your ordeal, nor am I dismissing the legitimacy of your complaints or concerns. As a Moderator of this forum's discussion, it was my obligation to provide the appropriate context since many readers who are new to the site aren't necessarily new to the history, expectations, and realities of girth enhancement procedures (hence my issue with the hyperbole).

Circumcision is something worth considering if you'd like to avoid the accordion effect in the future, I know some Sponsors prefer avoiding uncircumcised units altogether because of their propensity for aesthetic irregularity.

l would recommend allowing your Clinic to resolve any outstanding aesthetic issues so that you can at least test-drive your unit, then allow the HA to dissipate over time, get a circumcision, then proceed with Ellanse in low-volumes, layering your unit over multiple sessions to ensure a satisfactory result. I know I said I didn't recommend Ellanse previously, this recommendation is under the assumption that you are in a healthy place both mentally & monetarily to see out such program.

Otherwise, for your sake, the alternative would be to wrap up the aesthetics with your Clinic, then ride out the HA and move on from phalloplasty altogether. If you prefer, you can email me your photos to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I can give you an honest assessment without sharing any of that info here.

Either way, I apologize if my initial comment seemed insensitive or dismissive, it wasn't the intention. Good luck sincerely.

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HA Problem 3 years 8 months ago #1308703750

Don't worry, your post was respectful, I was just addressing what I think was maybe a misunderstanding of my concerns. So you think I should address the issues with the remaining HA I have purchased and then look at Circumcision once that has dissipated? Any reason you wouldn't recommend the Circumcision at this stage? The HA seems to have a very long life with me, like I say I still have filler remaining from almost 3 years ago, I guess this is a positive thing if I can get acceptable results with it. Thanks for the offer with the photos I may send them over soon or even upload them on here if I feel up to it.

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HA Problem 3 years 8 months ago #1308703751

Mantas wrote: Whats your length and circumference?

How's your sex life?

I'll take some measurements when I get a chance, it's difficult to do this with the padding at the minute. The length Erect I feel has reduced because it's not stretching out to it's full extent, or maybe it's just the quality of the erections has reduced, as well as for the reasons I mentioned I suspected in my reply above I totally understand that this could also be in part psychological but not entirely. Thanks.

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HA Problem 3 years 8 months ago #1308703752

Snafu86 wrote: Don't worry, your post was respectful, I was just addressing what I think was maybe a misunderstanding of my concerns. So you think I should address the issues with the remaining HA I have purchased and then look at Circumcision once that has dissipated? Any reason you wouldn't recommend the Circumcision at this stage? The HA seems to have a very long life with me, like I say I still have filler remaining from almost 3 years ago, I guess this is a positive thing if I can get acceptable results with it. Thanks for the offer with the photos I may send them over soon or even upload them on here if I feel up to it.

The reason I didn't suggest doing the Circumcision now is that you're already dealing with other issues that need resolution before moving forward. I think compounding your penis with multiple procedures & fixes at same stage can actually have the reverse effect.

You can always request to expedite the dissipation process through hyaluronidase if you feel that the accordion effect can't be resolved by any other means. The easy reversibility of Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is one of many reasons why its regarded as a robust filler option for Girth enhancement.

Heck, you might find HA being considerably more viable post-Circumcision, but I can't know that for sure, especially since I haven't seen your photos. Whether you choose to post them here or not, they'll remain confidential in my inbox.

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HA Problem 3 years 8 months ago #1308703753

Fair point, I'll get the clinic and docs advice too when I see them next. Thanks again.

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HA Problem 3 years 8 months ago #1308703905

Another question for anyone who has experience with it... One thing that has be concerned that I didn't mention before is the possibility of stretched skin, after a few dissolve sessions the whole thing is very squishy as I mentioned but I can also grab huge flaps of skin and move them about even when Erect. The new Doc I've been seeing has said this is just a result of there being bits of filler in some places and none in the others so filler inconsistency and says that once it is all dissolved it will go back to normal. There is still a lot of filler there and I'm going back for another session. I'm worried though that he is underestimating the amount of filler I had with the previous doc and I think the problem is I had too much done for my size. Is it likely that it could loosen the skin and if so does it go back to normal?

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HA Problem 3 years 8 months ago #1308703912

Hi Snafu,

Sorry to hear of your problems. Did you write anywhere you measurements - to get an idea if 20ml is too much. 20 ml is a very common amount of filler. Is it possible to stretch the skin - yes I think so. Can it shrink back again - yes probably.
Pictures do help to comment. It is always more difficult to get a great result with intact Foreskin - but as Skepticalone says - dont go rushing into Circumcision either. Erection quality is probably the psychological affect of the stress of what you are going through - so it will get better when you can sort it out in your head.

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HA Problem 3 years 8 months ago #1308703913

Hi Dr.Oates, thanks for your input, I may upload some pictures soon. I think you are correct to an extent about it being psychological but I think it's also in part that the padding causes it to be desensitised which in turn causes me to loose any drive I may have so hopefully you are right that things will go back to normal.

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HA Problem 3 years 8 months ago #1308703966

Having done some research into the amount of filler I had done overall it turns out I had 24 ml over the space of 8 months. My size was small to begin with so now I'm very worried and kind of furious, the clinics own website says that no one should have more than 20ml except very large patients (which I'm certainly not), and that too much will "permanently stretch the skin". Great that they should put this info up now yet I was never given any warning about this at the time. I honestly don't know what to do here.

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HA Problem 3 years 8 months ago #1308703968

Snafu86 wrote: Having done some research into the amount of filler I had done overall it turns out I had 24 ml over the space of 8 months. My size was small to begin with so now I'm very worried and kind of furious, the clinics own website says that no one should have more than 20ml except very large patients (which I'm certainly not), and that too much will "permanently stretch the skin". Great that they should put this info up now yet I was never given any warning about this at the time. I honestly don't know what to do here.

You have to keep in mind these numbers aren't set in stone (i.e. 20ml) and can vary patient-to-patient, anatomy-to-anatomy. Plenty of men have reported 20-30 ml of product of varying filler-types over a similar time span with no reports of skin damage (unless you were dealing with silicone oil, which I hope wasn't the case), or "permanent stretching" that I'm aware of.

Often these numbers are posted by clinics to set a general benchmark, ones they typically prefer not exceeding. Even so, Doctors can and have tailored higher amounts at their discretion with the right patients (i.e. larger shafts, accommodating skin, etc.).

I'm not sure which Clinic you speak of but I believe when they caution against the dangers of excessive filling, they're likely talking 40, 50, 60ml of product. Personally, I wouldn't be alarmed by 24ml over 8 months if you aren't exhibiting any complications or significant aesthetic irregularities.
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