Texas wrote: Id love to hear your full opinion, all the good and bad and feelings in between. I glad you are reserving some judgement until the end and acknowledging some potentials about your massaging.
Can you lay out all that you did for after care. ?
Good luck to you
So, first of all, so there is no mistake, I think the
Avanti Derma team is great, very professional and the entire procedure was top notch.
The Good:
- I think (hoping) that I end up with .5
Inch gain overall. I think that's realistic.
- Not squishy when
Erect. At all. That was a concern with
HA, and people have asked me this. Zero issues there. Someone mentioned the the makeup of the product as feeling like candle wax. That's probably the best description I've heard
The Bad:
- Aftercare instructions. They gave me a sheet, but I felt (and still feel) that it was geared more toward
PMMA. I got some statements from them verbally that didn't match what was on the sheet.
- Swelling. Horrible. This was a real challenge for me. Penis bruising generally goes away pretty quickly. By day 3-4 mine was pretty much gone. Swelling went down to the point by day 5 that I could start to tell what it looked like. But swelling made it VERY difficult for me to tell what was swelling and what was product. Therefore, I was hesitant to work one area too hard, only to find out that it was swelling, and I pushed product out of an area that it didn't need to be pushed out of
- Aesthetics, I have the hard lump on the left side, pretty decent sized. I keep pressing on it, and trying to work it back down and hopefully it will resolve itself. I did read a couple of post
Ellanse reports that said they would go away. If it's not gone in 30 days, I'll go get Kelalog. Also, there is a low spot (kind looks like a rubber band was wrapped around my penis on one side and then the injection was done (just to give you a visual) Dr C said 1 or 2 ML's there should smooth that out
Overall, I don't like it
Flaccid. I did at first, after the first week or two of swelling went down. But when I hit the low point 6-8 weeks. It really appeared my lumpy/uneven than I was hoping for.
Erect is good, and semi
Erect, its all much smoother and looks a lot better.
So yeah, willing to wait the 4 months post injection to see where it settles out. Maybe some collagen will fill in the low spot etc, etc.
Still overall think I will be happy with it once I sort out these two minor issues.