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TOPIC: Fibrosis inevitable

Fibrosis inevitable 4 years 6 months ago #1308699067

I know after the 1st year I risk having fibrosis in my penis , is the only way to remove PMMA is degloving . Any post life after Removal ? PS before you say collagen, collagen forms scars

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Fibrosis inevitable 4 years 6 months ago #1308699068

Money1300 wrote: I know after the 1st year I risk having fibrosis in my penis , is the only way to remove PMMA is degloving . Any post life after Removal ? PS before you say collagen, collagen forms scars

Fibrotic tissue is inevitable long term... it's one of the mechanisms that provides persistence in Girth, which in-turn gives you the permanency (well sort-of, I'll get Dr. C to chime in more accurately). The last ever round I ever got many years ago, Dr. C mentioned the fibrosis while injecting, and since, it hasn't meant anything to me other than hefty, functional Girth.

Out of curiosity, what makes you want to remove it? Often times issues can be corrected through Revision, I've always felt Removal has to be warranted by a major complication (and yes, that typically means de-gloving).

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Last edit: by Skeptical_One.

Fibrosis inevitable 4 years 6 months ago #1308699085

No i dont have it im just inquiring more on PMMA but after some yrs are you still able to get erections

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Fibrosis inevitable 4 years 6 months ago #1308699086

Fibrosis hinders that

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Fibrosis inevitable 4 years 6 months ago #1308699093

Money1300 wrote: Fibrosis hinders that

No, it does not. I have rock hard erections and I'm 9 years out my first round of PMMA. The collagen and subsequent fibrosis has no impact on functionality WHATSOEVER.

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