Hey all,
I am nearing my first session ever (End of July). My goals are to gain from 4.5'' EG > 5.5'' EG, while hopefully keeping the most aesthetic/natural look possible.
For those that have gone through multiple rounds of
PMMA, if you could do it all over again, how would you approach the situation now?
1. How many rounds did you do? Would you stick to that same amount?
2. Would you change the amount that you injected every round?
(ex. "I would have done more in the earlier rounds and just used round 2 or 3 as a touch up")
3. Would you approach post-care differently?
(ex. would you have stayed in Tijuana longer? did you wish you massaged more frequently? would you have refrained from sex longer to heal properly?)
4. Any other things you might re-do?
(Ex. "I would have spaced out the sessions further apart", "I would have ate healthier leading up to it", etc etc)