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TOPIC: A PENIS Blog---Avanti Derma's blog for all penis & medicine questions.

A PENIS Blog---Avanti Derma's blog for all penis & medicine questions. 11 months 3 weeks ago #1308716022

Could Ellansé™ be the most advanced product for nonsurgical phalloplasty that we have now? (read this!!!!)

Key Advantages

1. Longevity (duration)

• The PCL implant lasts much longer than the hyaluronic acid implant. The microspheres of PCL enter phase II of degradation until the forth year after injection.

• The PCL implant is absorbed exceptionally slowly, and unlike PMMA, which persists for life, the former eventually disappears, allowing the tissues to return to their basal conditions; the advantage is that the patient is freed from the implant in the later stages of his life when his priorities change.

2. Consistency

• The hyaluronic acid gel retains water and it can be soft and spongy, mainly when used in high volume. We have reports of patients who left finger marks after handling the penis firmly.

• PCL and PMMA implants owe their volume to new collagen formation, so their consistency is natural and much firmer than hyaluronic acid.

In our practice, we have found that the effect of Ellansé™ on the penis lasts much longer than the 18-24 months that researchers have reported in patients who received it on the face. At Avanti Derma, we have Ellansé™ non-surgical phalloplasty patients who have had the implant for almost a decade, and its absorption has not been sufficient to justify a touch-up or an additional session.

So, the big question now is: could Ellansé™ be the most advanced product for nonsurgical phalloplasty that we have now?

Those readers interested in more knowledge of Ellansé™ will find intermediate/high-level technical information in the following attachment. Ellansé™ Monography

If you have any further questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Luis Casavantes (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

or message us on this thread!!!! we will answer you!

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A PENIS Blog---Avanti Derma's blog for all penis & medicine questions. 11 months 2 weeks ago #1308716037

For future Avanti Derma, traveling to Tijuana patients, useful info:

There is no need for 2 months ahead notice, we can handle your appointment with 1-week notice! For example, if you wish to make an appt for February in the next weeks, it can be done!! We only need to arrange your hotel and shuttle service!! but we got that covered, we only need confirmation and we get it done!

We handle a hotel next door to our clinic(a 5-minute walk, you never leave the building) plus pick you up at the airport and take you back to the airport!
Our experience is to make it all as comfortable as possible with you doing the least thinking and no work as possible!

**We can handle your appointment with 1 week's notice! (assuming we have spots available, but we are happy to accommodate you as soon as possible as our agenda allows it!
**When confirming your appt we provide a very convenient option to pick you up at the San Diego airport, transport you to Tijuana directly to your hotel, and take you back to us border, we help you to cross the border and take you back to San Diego airport.

Happy penis for everybody <3

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A PENIS Blog---Avanti Derma's blog for all penis & medicine questions. 11 months 2 weeks ago #1308716054

Dr. Palmira explaining Glans Enhancement: (Bigger & Better)

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A PENIS Blog---Avanti Derma's blog for all penis & medicine questions. 11 months 1 week ago #1308716195


WE have promotion on SCROTAL ENHANCEMENT!!!!
“NEW” Scrotal enhancement with Hyaluronic Acid, introductory price of $2,500 for 10cc (5 per side)

also.. price of Ellanse, duration is 5 years, price and duration is great compared versus other prices and other products!!!

PMMA UTMOST, package for permanent!!!

QUESTIONS? please send Ian your message

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Last edit: by Avanti_Derma.

A PENIS Blog---Avanti Derma's blog for all penis & medicine questions. 10 months 2 weeks ago #1308716555

Beautiful thread comment from one of our patients:

3 Rounds (2019) I already had with Avanti Derma - PMMA

Now I had my Session 4 - yesterday. This ll be my Journey-Documentary.

C A S E: Empty Area
In all 3 sessions a pretty large area remained PMMA-empty (or significant less PMMA / squishy)

Potential reason: I had a history of FFT (2018). So maybe this could be the reason the filler could not settle there properly.
Arguments against this Hypothesis: a) There are tons of good reviews of people who got FFT and after that a good PMMA result. b) The even bigger argument: There are also Clinics who do FFT & PMMA togheter for example with Bellafill - intention: To reduce the total costs.

BUT - To be fair: Casavantes tells us already - People with history of FFT are not the ideal candidate. Otherwise on the website it‘s written a bit different.
„(…)Autologous fat transfer typically results in irregularities but develops a light degree of fibrosis that facilitates soft tissue fillers’ implants. These patients are good candidates for Phalloplasty.“

Why I come back ‚so late‘ with my issue ?

In the years meantime I was not „unbusy“. I was loose-cut before and I wanted to become the ideal candidate. Patience & Effort: 3 Operation I had — To get the shaft-skin tight like I have it now.
Penile Webbing surgery (has also subtle effect on your shaft skin) + distal (low) tight-cut. This effort was in the years: •2020 / •2021 / •2023 (!)

@Tight cut Advantages:
A. You make it your doctor so much easier to install the implant with a tight cut. Also it‘s the recommendation of Dr. Casavantes.

B. Settle-Time of the Filler (the first days) Especially in my case (empty area) I want to reduce migration significantly with that tight cut. So the product stays where it has been injected.

C. Usage: Filler gets nice compressed while Erection.

Why Avanti Derma again?

In all this years there popped up a lot of alternatives & new PMMA Options.
Why I decided to go to Avanti Derma again: The Service.

To give an example: ..(As I said -in all my 3 sessions this area remained empty/squishy).. Service: When In Session 3 -as part of the aftercare appointments- Dr. Casavantes saw that this area again could not hold any PMMA. He suggested proactive (!) that I can come the next day again (costless!) so that they fill more in this particular area.

Beside that they really check everyday on you …. Especially Ian. ( Give Ian a tip… he deserves it! )

Please do not understand that other offices have bad services: I can only tell my experience.

Also: Especially in my case - I want that the carrier-substance gets absorbed fast - That the filler settles fast and stays where it has been injected. …And there is some evidence that the bovine-carrier with Bellafill takes longer to absorb / the filler has longer time migration-potential. So I think LinneaSafe is the better product when it comes to Penile Enhancement.

Why I tried it now again when in all that 3 Sessions the area remained empty?

Like I said it‘s not always about the office. Sometimes it‘s also about how qualified you are as a candidate. Now: With my (really amazing) tight cut „on point“ - the setting ll be significantly changed (old members here can confirm that) - especially regarding to my issue „filler migration“ - I can support that the filler stays there where it has been injected - in my empty area.
Also with a tight cut - for your doc it’s more legitim to (potentially) install more of the product cause your skin-mobility is significantly restricted.

( Explaining „squishy/empty“ : While Erection - When you touch the area - your thumb sinks - through the skin - on your original shaft. Contrast to my other areas: They feel like very hard rubber while Erection. While Flaccid this contrast between the areas is already noticeable - but it gets even much more obvious while Erection. )

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A PENIS Blog---Avanti Derma's blog for all penis & medicine questions. 10 months 1 week ago #1308716672

hello guys! we did an interview with IAN!!! our patient coordinator at Avanti, he addresses a lot of the issues regarding AFTERCARE and other common things that are useful to know about your Phalloplasty journey!

if you have questions for Ians leave them on the YouTube comment section!!

The following user(s) said Thank You: richardgaines

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A PENIS Blog---Avanti Derma's blog for all penis & medicine questions. 10 months 1 week ago #1308716674

Good Q&A session. Thanks, @Ian_Garcia ! Looking forward to round1 in a few weeks and likely some other non-phalloplasty dermatology procedures.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Avanti_Derma

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A PENIS Blog---Avanti Derma's blog for all penis & medicine questions. 10 months 6 days ago #1308716688

Check out our April 2024 Announcements on Avanti Derma!!!! Scrotal Enhancement promotion$$ plus PMMA Package!!

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A PENIS Blog---Avanti Derma's blog for all penis & medicine questions. 8 months 1 week ago #1308717427

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A PENIS Blog---Avanti Derma's blog for all penis & medicine questions. 8 months 1 week ago #1308717428

Avanti Derma (Ian) explains which patients have the most difficulties in getting Girth enhancement. ?

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A PENIS Blog---Avanti Derma's blog for all penis & medicine questions. 8 months 1 week ago #1308717471

stay tuned!! we have new podcast coming soon! from Ian, our patient coordinator & Dr. Casavantes with a huge new information regarding Girth Enhancement procedures.

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A PENIS Blog---Avanti Derma's blog for all penis & medicine questions. 8 months 2 days ago #1308717551

we have new podcast with Dr Casavantes coming out in YouTube soon!!!!

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A PENIS Blog---Avanti Derma's blog for all penis & medicine questions. 7 months 4 weeks ago #1308717599

Our new podcast on HOW TO GET A 6 Inch Penis!!!! is live on YouTube!! Dr. Casavantes explains an all detailed explanation of the entire process. Girth Enhancement turned into simple steps!


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A PENIS Blog---Avanti Derma's blog for all penis & medicine questions. 7 months 3 weeks ago #1308717643

we are very happy with the recent results from one of our patients in Avanti Derma! check the cool results!! in the phallboards thread here:
(get ready to see big pictures)


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A PENIS Blog---Avanti Derma's blog for all penis & medicine questions. 7 months 3 weeks ago #1308717665

My primary concern would be having my penis feel unnatural - too squishy or soft - following filler

The response here is: you’re looking at HA results. None of the other two (PMMA or Ellansé) will create soft, squeeze implants.


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Last edit: by Avanti_Derma.