JD123 wrote: I checked in on the forum daily when miracle posted about his ulcers because I wanted to see if Dr. C would comment on it. I don’t recall him ever saying anything and after a while I left again (I try not to hang out on phalloboards too much)...maybe I’ll go comb back through and see what Dr. C posted.
You're going to have to remember that Doctors are very limited in what they can respond to in relation to one of their own patients, due to patient confidentiality, HIPAA, etc. In other words, whatever questions Miracle had would have been addressed directly with Avanti Derma, and it would not have been public information, other than what Miracle wanted to reveal himself.
As far as I know, they found Silikon1000 to be quite remarkable in smoothing out contour irregularities (like a "smoother finish"), but found that the benefits of using it as a "minor aesthetic improvement" did not outweigh the risks of silicone in the penis in general. This wasn't necessarily due to frequent negative reports (which is good news for most people), but rather, the severity of one report being enough to warrant its discontinuation. This is at least what I remember the explanation to be, but it is somewhat vague in my mind. I believe Avanti Derma did chime in on it to some extent in the past, but since older members do come back to the forum on occasion, I'll tag their Clinic for a response:
This isn't to say that if you've had Silikon1000 to be worried, and many people have had this injectable used in the face for years (off-label).
While the PhalloBoards is a No-Silicone-Zone, it's mostly about large volumes of silicone filler (or the use of a rigid silicone implant) for the purposes of enlargement. All methods have complication rates, it's just that when they occur with silicone, they tend to be more severe. Again, this does not mean that those with Silikon1000 in them right now should be alarmed.