Penis Enlargement Surgery
Information Hub on All Things Penis Enlargement.
Penis enlargement surgery and penile girth enhancement and penile implants are medical procedures designed to increase the size of the penis. The surgery involves a few techniques including the use of penile implants, ligament release, or fat transfer to improve both length and girth. The PhalloBoards is for men that are exploring their options thoroughly and want to get their questions answered about the procedure and learn more about penis enlargement surgery.
The PhalloBoards is a decade-old forum community of men who are interested in male enhancement procedures to improve their confidence, love life, or overall well-being. Our community includes former & current patients, as well as men seeking procedures in the near future.
Our community is supported by a network of skilled practitioners who serve as Sponsors to the PhalloBoards. These physicians are experts in the field of penile augmentation and frequently offer their professional opinions and expertise within our discussions.
If you are seeking real results from experienced practitioners, the PhalloBoards is the perfect place to start your journey. Topics covered in our forums include penis enlargement, girth injections, penis lengthening, testicular enhancement, turkey-neck reduction (penoscrotal webbing), glans enlargement, and more. Visit our 3.0 forums to learn more.

Male Enhancement
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Male enhancement, a topic that has generated significant attention refers to the various methods (and products) aimed at improving sexual performance and satisfaction for men. The most discussed issue in terms of male enhancement is the increasing penis size. Throughout history, men have been curious and sometimes concerned about their penis size, as a result, the male enhancement industry has seen a lot of treatments and products promising to enhance penis size and function, ranging from surgery to supplements to penis pumps. The PhalloBoards was designed for men to learn more about these claims and get reliable information and professional advice to avoid any potential health risks along with penis enlargement surgery cost.
- Find a PhalloBoards Sponsor closest to you using the Physician Directory. While you can go with a non-Sponsor, it can be hit-or-miss. For your one and only functioning penis, it is advisable to avoid any uncertainty. If you do decide to go with a non-Sponsor, the following steps still apply.
- Avoid silicone options, especially rigid silicone implants. Patient reporting over the past decade has established a trend of higher complication rates associated with silicone.
- Reach out to the clinics you are interested in and learn more about their male enhancement procedures. Some clinics offer virtual consultations or in-person consultations if available.
- Find out what materials are available and visit the Newbie Guide and General Forums to learn more about them. If you decide to go with a non-Sponsor, share the materials or products being used with the forum and ask the practitioner for proof (like packaging and serial number) of the materials and products being used.
- Determine the cost of the penis enlargement surgery procedure and prepare to budget for potentially more than one appointment over the course of several months. Remember, it is important to go with the best, not the "cheapest," when it comes to your penis.
- Determine when you can set aside time for travel, the procedure, and recovery. Consider other factors such as preparing alibis and lodging.
- Schedule your appointment and begin Progress Reporting on the forum. By doing so, you will have a community of like-minded men following your journey. If you post a comprehensive progress report with at least one before-and-after photoset, you will be extended lifetime premium membership at no cost.
Finally, remember that you can find ways to reach Sponsor Clinics by visiting the Physician Directory - OR - the Doctor's Forum.
Good luck Gentlemen!